On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 1:54 PM, Prashanth Budihal
<prashanthb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this project(stock market data) where I need many tables(200+) and
> each one will receive fresh data inserts periodically(every 5 minutes). I
> have gone thru couple of tutorials about sqlalchemy ORM and they all show
> how to create a single table and do few inserts. But if I have to create
> 200+ tables then should I create/type manually 200+ mapped classes ? Thats
> impractical isnt it ? I face same hurdle while doing INSERTS.  Can anybody
> here give me a hint atleast how to go about this ? Which part of sqlalchemy
> addresses this hurdle. I admit I am a newbie to sql and sqlalchemy so please
> bear with me if there is already a solution and I havent studied it yet.
> Thanks in advance.

Python is a fully dynamic language so if you needed 200 classes given
a list of 200 names, you would never have to "type" that manually.
However if this is a really simple case then just use core:

my_twohundred_names = [   ... names ....]

with engine.connect() as conn:
    for name in my_twohundred_names:
        t = Table(name, MetaData(), Column('q', Integer), Column('p',
Integer), ... )
        conn.execute(t.insert(), {"q": 5, "p": 10})

something like that.

if these tables have all kinds of different columns you can reflect them:

my_twohundred_names = [   ... names ....]

with engine.connect() as conn:
    for name in my_twohundred_names:
        t = Table(name, MetaData(), autoload_with=conn)
        conn.execute(t.insert(), {"q": 5, "p": 10})

but you need to know what the columns are that you are inserting.

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