
I have a base model class with "id" field, which is primary key and also 
not nullable. It does not have autoincrement feature, but uses custom 
sequence manually to assign it's value.

There are standard on table / sequence naming:

class Base:
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'

class B(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'b'

What i need is to do two things:

1. Automatically add sequences to A and B tables (in ORM context, mappers), 
named "__tablename__$seq" -> 'a$seq' and 'b$seq'. By sequences i mean an 
attribute of type Sequence.
2. Somehow associate it with "id" column, so the sequence can be 
automatically created after "create_all()" function call.

I tried to use this approach: Associating a Sequence as the Server Side 
but did not succeed because sequence name is always hardcoded in base 
class, but in my case it must be autogenerated based on custom naming rule.

I have spent four hours trying different techniques but did not succeed 
with this.


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