Just looking for some input as I am in the beginning process of moving an 
application from an MS base using SQL Server, SSRS and SSIS over to 
Postgres / Python (for now).

I am not looking at using the ORM for various reasons:

   - Python will not be the only language or tool accessing and updating 
   the DB over time
   - Stored procedures (functions) are used almost exclusively for reasons 
   of security (execute only access, SQL injection protection) and performance 
   (each individual device (mostly GPS based) reports in at least every 30 
   seconds and we have to produce both near-real time state / position data 
   and fairly complex analytical processing involving processing through 
   thousands of records per tracked object using geospatial functions and data 
   that exist in PostGIS.  Just one of the reports I run can involve comparing 
   60,000 geo records sequentially looking for changes, to produce a report of 
   about 100 lines for just 1 vehicle out of the hundreds (soon thousands) 
   that we track: it seems inefficient to pull all that data back through the 
   ORM to process in Python, when most of the data will be discarded anyway.
   - Complex data structures where objects of various types are related to 
   other objects in one-to-many and many-to-many relationships that change 
   over time and are reported over time, and where most data changes are also 
   tracked and reported over time: easier to do this using views and functions 
   to simplify development
   - CTEs that are used for hierarchical processing such as company and 
   departmental data structures (time variant)
   - The database has already been designed and created using pgmodeler, 
   which allows for graphical DB design and implementation
   - The existing load procedures from the current source system (Oracle 
   based) into the new PostgreSQL db are already written in Python using 
   psycopg2, passing JSON data into stored functions and seems to work well, 
   usually faster than the previous SQL Server /  SSIS solution

So what will sqlachemy get me over using psycopg2, considering that we will 
be using stored functions (procedures in Postgres 11) to process data for 
all reports / analytic extracts for the foreseeable future, and that over 
time we will be implementing a formal analytical / reporting toolset, web / 
mobile front ends using React, and so on?



SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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