I tried to follow your log lines, which is difficult because I don't
know where those log statements actually are and I don't know what
acronyms like "jjs", "cjr", mean.   But it does look like it's al in
one thread (so not async GC) and all in one Nova request (so perhaps
just one greenlet involved, unless other greenlets are affecting this
without them being displayed in this log snippet).   I do see the
connection record doubled at the end.   So here is the illustration of
those steps in isolation, the connection record is not doubled.  Can
you alter this program to show this condition occurring?

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo_pool='debug')

assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 1

c1 = e.connect()

assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 0

c1.engine.pool._invalidate(c1._Connection__connection, None)

# connection record is back
assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 1

# do a reconnect

# uses the record again
assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 0

# close the Connection

# record is back
assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 1

# etc.
c1 = e.connect()
assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 0

assert len(e.pool._pool.queue) == 1

On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 12:25 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Here's a print statement you might want to try:
> diff --git a/lib/sqlalchemy/pool.py b/lib/sqlalchemy/pool.py
> index 89a4cea7c..452db4883 100644
> --- a/lib/sqlalchemy/pool.py
> +++ b/lib/sqlalchemy/pool.py
> @@ -689,6 +689,19 @@ def _finalize_fairy(connection, connection_record,
>      been garbage collected.
>      """
> +    print(
> +        "FINALIZE FAIRY:  GREENLET ID: %s, DB CONN: %s, FAIRY: %s, REF: %s  "
> +            "put greenlet id here",
> +            connection,
> +            fairy,
> +            ref,
> +            connection_record,
> +            connection_record.fairy_ref
> +            if connection_record is not None else "n/a"
> +        )
> +    )
> +
>      _refs.discard(connection_record)
>      if ref is not None:
> On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 10, 2018 at 7:23 AM,  <jiajunsu....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> I added more logs and finnaly find the reason and a method to avoid the
>>> deadlock between coroutines.
>>> In summary, the deadlock happend because two different coroutines use the
>>> same ConnectionRecord with same connection.
>>> It happends under QueuePool, when the DB connections are reset by the DB
>>> server(not related with the backend driver).
>>> 1.A coroutine get a ConnectionRecord into ConnectionFairy, and apply a
>>> weakref of the ConnectionFairy, with callback function `_finalize_fairy`.
>>> 2.When the connection get disconnected, it receives an
>>> exception(psycopg2.OperationalError), and goto
>>> Connection._handle_dbapi_exception.
>>> 3.In `_handle_dbapi_exception.finnaly`, it will call both
>>> `ConnectionFairy.invalidate` and `self.invalidate`.
>>> 4.In `ConnectionFairy.invalidate`, `_ConnectionRecord._checkin` is called,
>>> and put the ConnectionRecord back to the QueuePool.
>>> 5.In `self.invalidate`, `del self._root.__connection` is called, and **del**
>>> the ConnectionFairy.
>>> 6.The **del** operation will make weakref of ConnectionFairy to dead, and
>>> the callback `_finalize_fairy` executed.
>>> 7.In `_finalize_fairy`, another `_ConnectionRecord._checkin` is called, put
>>> the ConnectionRecord to the QueuePool again.
>> Here's what does not make sense.  You are claiming that a simple
>> invalidation will result in the same ConnectionRecord being checked in
>> twice.   This is obviously not the case, what is special in your
>> situation that makes this happen?
>> If I follow the steps you refer towards, in step 4, when
>> ConnectionFairy._checkin is called, that calls finalize_fairy
>> directly, which then calls ConnectionRecord.checkin().  Within
>> ConnectionRecord.checkin(), ConnectionRecord.fairy_ref is set to None.
>>    Then back in ConnectionFairy._checkin(), it also sets
>> self._connection_record = None.
>> If we come back into finalize_fairy a *second* time then, as a result
>> of the "del" which occurs in _handle_error(), and the
>> connection_record is present, the function will exit immediately,
>> because:
>>        if connection_record.fairy_ref is not ref:
>>             return
>> So the situation as given is not possible without concurrent access to
>> the ConnectionFairy being introduced externally to the pool.
>> There is exactly one thing I can think of that is both unique to the
>> psycopg2-style of asynchronous connection, not the PyMySQL form of it,
>> that might be important here, and it's that I think psycopg2's
>> connection.close() method will defer to another greenlet.  That means
>> when we're inside of ConnectionRecord.invalidate(), and we call
>> self.__close(), that could be deferring to another greenlet.   But
>> this all happens before the connection is returned to the pool, so I
>> still don't know what is happening.
>>> The logs in detail is below. To prove my result is right, I tried to avoid
>>> the scienario with this patch, and it worked.
>>> def checkin(self):
>>>     self.fairy_ref = None
>>>     connection = self.connection
>>>     pool = self.__pool
>>>     while self.finalize_callback:
>>>         finalizer = self.finalize_callback.pop()
>>>         finalizer(connection)
>>> +    if self in pool._pool.queue:
>>> +        pool.logger.debug("jjs rec already in pool checkin, skip %r", self)
>>> +        return
>> as mentioned above it's not possible to reach this point without
>> concurrent access to the pooled connection, which means this fix could
>> fail also (with at least threaded-style concurrency, not greenlet
>> style).   The original source of the greenlet issue must still be
>> identified.
>> I would need a self-contained proof of concept that demonstrates this
>> issue occurring.  The log output is not that helpful because it at
>> least would need to write out the identifier of the current greenlet,
>> since it is very likely that greenlets have something to do with this
>> issue.
>>>     if pool.dispatch.checkin:
>>>         pool.dispatch.checkin(connection, self)
>>>     pool._return_conn(self)
>>> Trace the ConnectionRecord 0x88fc5d0
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:17.927+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] Created new connection
>>> <connection object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 0>
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:17.928+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs get conn success <connection
>>> object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 0>, rec.connection <connection object at
>>> 0x81f69b0; closed: 0>, pool queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord
>>> object at 0x7a04810>, <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at
>>> 0x79fdad0>])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:17.929+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs checkout fairy
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at 0x329c0d0> rec
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0> pool queue
>>> deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7a04810>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x79fdad0>])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:17.929+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] Connection <connection object at
>>> 0x81f69b0; closed: 0> checked out from pool, status Pool size: 10
>>> Connections in pool: 2 Current Overflow: 0 Max Overflow: 40 Current Checked
>>> out connections: 8, queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object
>>> at 0x7a04810>, <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x79fdad0>])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:17.930+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs _ConnectionFairy._checkout
>>> conn <connection object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 0>, rec
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>, rec.conn
>>> <connection object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 0>
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.716+08:00 localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:122 error]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] cjr error conn
>>> <sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection object at 0x329c150>, err connection
>>> pointer is NULL
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.717+08:00 localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:122 error]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] cjr enter newraise
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.717+08:00 localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:122 error]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] cjr enter finally
>>>>>Connection._handle_dbapi_exception --> finally -->
>>>>> **self.engine.pool._invalidate** & **self.invalidate**
>>>>>self.engine.pool._invalidate --> Pool._invalidate -->
>>>>> ConnectionFairy.invalidate --> _ConnectionRecord.invalidate &
>>>>> **self._checkin()**
>>>>>self.invalidate() --> **del self._root.__connection**
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.718+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs connectionFairy invalidate
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.718+08:00 localhost nova-conductor INFO [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:109 info]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] Invalidate connection <connection
>>> object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 2> (reason: OperationalError:connection pointer
>>> is NULL
>>>>>_ConnectionRecord.invalidate(e)  -->
>>>>> self.__pool.dispatch.invalidate(self.connection, self, e) & 
>>>>> self.__close() &
>>>>> self.connection = None
>>>>>self.__close() --> self.finalize_callback.clear() &
>>>>> self.__pool._close_connection(self.connection)
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.719+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] Closing connection <connection
>>> object at 0x81f69b0; closed: 2>
>>>>>Pool._close_connection(connection) --> self._dialect.do_close(connection)
>>>>> --> _ConnDialect.do_close(dbapi_connection) --> dbapi_connection.close() 
>>>>> FIN
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.719+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs _ConnectionFairy._checkin
>>> conn None rec <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>
>>> rec.conn None
>>>>>_ConnectionFairy._checkin --> _finalize_fairy(conn, conn_rec, pool, None,
>>>>> echo, fairy) & self.conn = None & self.conn_rec = None
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.720+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs _finalize_fairy args conn
>>> None, rec.conn None, rec, <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at
>>> 0x88fc5d0>. ref None, fairy <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionFairy object at
>>> 0x329c0d0>
>>>>>_finalize_fairy --> connection_record.checkin()
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.720+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs going to
>>> connection_record.checkin
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.721+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs before conn checkin None,
>>> pool queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7524590>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7a2b990>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0xa856b10>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7ebee90>]), finalize_callback
>>> deque([])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.721+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs after conn checkin, pool
>>> queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7524590>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7a2b990>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0xa856b10>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7ebee90>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.723+08:00 localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:122 error]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] Exception during reset or similar
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.723+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs going to
>>> connection_record.invalidate
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.724+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs going to
>>> connection_record.checkin
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.724+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs before conn checkin None,
>>> pool queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7524590>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7a2b990>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0xa856b10>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7ebee90>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>]), finalize_callback
>>> deque([])
>>> 2018-05-10T14:02:49.732+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:4528]
>>> [MainThread] [tid:122769072] [log.py:104 debug]
>>> [req-9e51bb8d-cdfe-434b-859a-9211ac2087f9] jjs after conn checkin, pool
>>> queue deque([<sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7524590>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7a2b990>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0xa856b10>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x7ebee90>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>,
>>> <sqlalchemy.pool._ConnectionRecord object at 0x88fc5d0>])
>>> 在 2018年5月8日星期二 UTC+8下午11:06:04,jiajun...@gmail.com写道:
>>>> I found why we could get the same connection twice from the pool...
>>>> Because we put it into pool twice.
>>>> Any suggestion for finding why it put the same connection into pool within
>>>> different coroutines?
>>>> 2018-05-08T22:39:17.448+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:15755]
>>>> [MainThread] [tid:187954992] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>> [req-7c2199c0-d9a6-4131-8358-2aebcf5a4ce1] jjs conn checkin <connection
>>>> object at 0x111d9740; closed: 0>
>>>> 2018-05-08T22:39:17.502+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:15755]
>>>> [MainThread] [tid:178645264] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>> [req-7ab83c30-91bd-4278-b694-85a71035992c] jjs conn checkin <connection
>>>> object at 0x111d9740; closed: 0>
>>>> ...
>>>> 2018-05-08T22:39:17.992+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:15755]
>>>> [MainThread] [tid:309091856] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>> [req-dee5dd2d-866f-408e-999b-b415ea7ce953] Connection <connection object at
>>>> 0x111d9740; closed: 0> checked out from pool
>>>> 2018-05-08T22:39:18.039+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:15755]
>>>> [MainThread] [tid:178645104] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>> [req-ac8017d7-c97e-44ca-92d2-99f180858e14] Connection <connection object at
>>>> 0x111d9740; closed: 0> checked out from pool
>>>> 在 2018年5月8日星期二 UTC+8下午10:18:52,jiajun...@gmail.com写道:
>>>>> I added logs in sqlalchemy/pool.py
>>>>> QueuePool.checkout
>>>>> @classmethod
>>>>> def checkout(cls, pool):
>>>>>     rec = pool._do_get()
>>>>>     try:
>>>>>         dbapi_connection = rec.get_connection()
>>>>>         pool.logger.debug("jjs get conn success %s", dbapi_connection)
>>>>>     except:
>>>>>         pool.logger.debug("jjs get error in get_connection")
>>>>>         with util.safe_reraise():
>>>>>             rec.checkin()
>>>>>     echo = pool._should_log_debug()
>>>>>     fairy = _ConnectionFairy(dbapi_connection, rec, echo)
>>>>>     rec.fairy_ref = weakref.ref(
>>>>>         fairy,
>>>>>         lambda ref: _finalize_fairy and
>>>>>         _finalize_fairy(
>>>>>             dbapi_connection,
>>>>>             rec, pool, ref, echo)
>>>>>     )
>>>>>     _refs.add(rec)
>>>>>     if echo:
>>>>>         pool.logger.debug("jjs conn %s, pool status %s",
>>>>> dbapi_connection, pool.status())
>>>>>         pool.logger.debug("Connection %r checked out from pool",
>>>>>                           dbapi_connection)
>>>>>     return fairy
>>>>> Then I got logs below:
>>>>> coroutine A:
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.055+08:00 localhost nova-conductor INFO [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:197123760] [log.py:109 info]
>>>>> [req-ba1ab897-c80a-4bc4-922a-39044d669da1] jjs Pool wait is False, timeout
>>>>> 30
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.078+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:197123760] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-ba1ab897-c80a-4bc4-922a-39044d669da1] Created new connection
>>>>> <connection object at 0x903f8c0; closed: 0>
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.079+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:197123760] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-ba1ab897-c80a-4bc4-922a-39044d669da1] jjs get conn success 
>>>>> <connection
>>>>> object at 0x903f8c0; closed: 0>
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.080+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:197123760] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-ba1ab897-c80a-4bc4-922a-39044d669da1] jjs conn <connection object at
>>>>> 0x903f8c0;  closed: 0>, pool status Pool size: 10  Connections in pool: 1
>>>>> Current Overflow: 36 Max Overflow: 40 Current Checked out connections: 45
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.080+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:197123760] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-ba1ab897-c80a-4bc4-922a-39044d669da1] Connection <connection object 
>>>>> at
>>>>> 0x903f8c0; closed: 0> checked out from pool
>>>>> coroutine B:
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.212+08:00 localhost nova-conductor INFO [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:151519312] [log.py:109 info]
>>>>> [req-a78075b5-c55c-40c4-86d0-65957e89cb56] jjs Pool wait is False, timeout
>>>>> 30
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.213+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:151519312] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-a78075b5-c55c-40c4-86d0-65957e89cb56] jjs get conn success 
>>>>> <connection
>>>>> object at 0x903f8c0;  closed: 0>
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.213+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:151519312] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-a78075b5-c55c-40c4-86d0-65957e89cb56] jjs conn <connection object at
>>>>> 0x903f8c0; closed: 0>, pool status Pool size: 10  Connections in pool: 0
>>>>> Current Overflow: 36 Max Overflow: 40 Current Checked out connections: 46
>>>>> 2018-05-08T21:39:59.214+08:00 localhost nova-conductor DEBUG [pid:55528]
>>>>> [MainThread] [tid:151519312] [log.py:104 debug]
>>>>> [req-a78075b5-c55c-40c4-86d0-65957e89cb56] Connection <connection object 
>>>>> at
>>>>> 0x903f8c0; closed: 0> checked out from pool
>>>>> It seems that when we create_connection in QueuePool._do_get, we may not
>>>>> get the lock _pool.mutex(~Queue.mutex).
>>>>> 在 2018年5月7日星期一 UTC+8下午8:41:14,Mike Bayer写道:
>>>>>> On Mon, May 7, 2018, 7:01 AM <jiajun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> We added coroutine_id in psycopg2, and found that two coroutine use the
>>>>>>> same connection before the pthread_mutex_lock released.
>>>>>>> Maybe something in the connection pool goes wrong?
>>>>>>> [pid] [coroutine_id] msg
>>>>>> This seems unlikely.   Openstack uses the SQLAlchemy connection pool
>>>>>> with eventlet patching in conjunction with the MySQL drivers and nothing
>>>>>> like that happens.   The biggest issue SQLAlchemy had with greenlets is 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> a timed out greenlet would throw GreenletExit and cause a dirty 
>>>>>> connection
>>>>>> to go back into the pool, that was fixed in 1.2.
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]before PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> cb 0x23ad320
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: status = 2, conn 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: async_status = ASYNC_WRITE 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before EXC_IF_ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> async_cursor 0x881ac00
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before EXC_IF_ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> async_cursor 0x881ac00
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]pq_abort: enter pgconn = 0x94122f0, autocommit = 0,
>>>>>>> status = 2
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before lock pgconn = 0x94122f0, owner 49174 __lock 1
>>>>>>> Below is the logs grep by coroutine id:
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]finish send query, before psyco_wait, conn 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]before have_wait_callback conn 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]before PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> cb 0x23ad320
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: status = 2, conn 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: async_status = ASYNC_WRITE 0x94122f0
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: poll writing
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db730]conn_poll: async_status -> ASYNC_READ
>>>>>>> -----
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]psyco_conn_cursor: new unnamed cursor for connection
>>>>>>> at 0x8de2d30
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]cursor_setup: init cursor object at 0xa6c2650
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]cursor_setup: parameters: name = (null), conn =
>>>>>>> 0x8de2d30
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]cursor_setup: good cursor object at 0xa6c2650,
>>>>>>> refcnt = 1
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]psyco_conn_cursor: new cursor at 0xa6c2650: refcnt =
>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before EXC_IF_ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> async_cursor 0x881ac00
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before EXC_IF_ASYNC_IN_PROGRESS conn 0x94122f0,
>>>>>>> async_cursor 0x881ac00
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]pq_abort: enter pgconn = 0x94122f0, autocommit = 0,
>>>>>>> status = 2
>>>>>>> [49174] [0xa5db4b0]before lock pgconn = 0x94122f0, owner 49174 __lock 1
>>>>>>> 在 2018年4月28日星期六 UTC+8下午4:07:34,jiajun...@gmail.com写道:
>>>>>>>> We reproduced this problem and added logs in psycopg2, found a
>>>>>>>> confusing thing and reported it to psycopg2.
>>>>>>>> It seems sqlalchemy & psycopg2 stack flow is:
>>>>>>>> 1.from sqlalchemy to psycopg: pq_execute/pq_commit
>>>>>>>> 2.from psycopg to sqlalchemy PyWeakref_NewRef(conn)
>>>>>>>> 3.get exception in sqlalchemy, and do_rollback
>>>>>>>> 4.from sqlalchemy to psycopg: pq_abort
>>>>>>>> 5.psycopg get pthread_mutex_lock deadlock
>>>>>>>> What we have done to reproduce it is: stop master pg-server and
>>>>>>>> promote the slave pg-server to master, with moving FIP from old master 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> slave. At the same time, let nova-conductor do quite a lot db query
>>>>>>>> requests.
>>>>>>>> [1] https://github.com/psycopg/psycopg2/issues/703
>>>>>>>> 在 2018年4月23日星期一 UTC+8下午9:45:04,Mike Bayer写道:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 9:03 AM,  <jiajun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > Sorry for reply on this topic.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > We recently get the same problem in our production environment.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > I found a patch in other lib [1], and they added conn.close() in
>>>>>>>>> > exception
>>>>>>>>> > psycopg2.ProgrammingError.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Shall we do the same in [2] ?
>>>>>>>>> SQLAlchemy does things much more carefully than that, we parse the
>>>>>>>>> error message for specific ones that correspond to "connection is no
>>>>>>>>> longer usable", we call these "is_disconnect" but it can be any
>>>>>>>>> invalidating condition.
>>>>>>>>> You can make these yourself, and they can also be made to be part of
>>>>>>>>> oslo.db, using the handle_error event:
>>>>>>>>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/events.html?highlight=handle_error#sqlalchemy.events.ConnectionEvents.handle_error
>>>>>>>>> within oslo.db you would want to propose a change here:
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/openstack/oslo.db/blob/master/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/exc_filters.py#L387
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > [1] https://github.com/aio-libs/aiopg/pull/415/files?diff=split
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > [2]
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > https://github.com/zzzeek/sqlalchemy/blob/master/lib/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py#L1289
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > 在 2017年11月13日星期一 UTC+8上午10:44:31,JinRong Cai写道:
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Hi  Michael ,
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> I am using openstack with postgresql which sqlalchemy and oslo_db
>>>>>>>>> >> module
>>>>>>>>> >> were used.
>>>>>>>>> >> And there are some problems after my pg database switched over.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Here is my switch over process:
>>>>>>>>> >> 1. nova-conductor(python application) is running with DB
>>>>>>>>> >> connection
>>>>>>>>> >> strings point to vip , which is in primary site(A) of pg.
>>>>>>>>> >> 2. switch VIP from primary(A) to new primary(B)
>>>>>>>>> >> 3. switch over pg: shutdown primary(A), promopt standby(B) to new
>>>>>>>>> >> primary.
>>>>>>>>> >> 4. nova-conductor is running in the whole process.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> After some seconds, I found some nova-conductor processes are hang
>>>>>>>>> >> with
>>>>>>>>> >> status futex_wait_queue_me, and the status of the query in DB is
>>>>>>>>> >> "idle in
>>>>>>>>> >> transaction", the transaction was not commited or rollbacked!
>>>>>>>>> >> I think disconnection was handled in the oslo_db, which will send
>>>>>>>>> >> a
>>>>>>>>> >> ping(select 1) to DB.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> If DB was switchd over, the connection in the pool would be set
>>>>>>>>> >> with
>>>>>>>>> >> status invalid, and reconnect after next check out.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> ###error messages from nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:36365] [MainThread]
>>>>>>>>> >> [tid:122397712]
>>>>>>>>> >> [exc_filters.py:330 _raise_for_remaining_DBAPIError]
>>>>>>>>> >> [req-2bd8a290-e17b-4178-80a6-4b36d5793d85] DBAPIError exception
>>>>>>>>> >> wrapped from
>>>>>>>>> >> (psycopg2.ProgrammingError) execute cannot be used while an
>>>>>>>>> >> asynchronous
>>>>>>>>> >> query is underway [SQL: 'SELECT 1']
>>>>>>>>> >>  36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters Traceback (most recent
>>>>>>>>> >> call
>>>>>>>>> >> last):
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters   File
>>>>>>>>> >> "/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1139,
>>>>>>>>> >> in
>>>>>>>>> >> _execute_context
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters     context)
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters   File
>>>>>>>>> >> "/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", line 450,
>>>>>>>>> >> in
>>>>>>>>> >> do_execute
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters
>>>>>>>>> >> cursor.execute(statement,
>>>>>>>>> >> parameters)
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters ProgrammingError:
>>>>>>>>> >> execute
>>>>>>>>> >> cannot be used while an asynchronous query is underway
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR oslo_db.sqlalchemy.exc_filters
>>>>>>>>> >>  localhost nova-conductor ERROR [pid:36365] [MainThread]
>>>>>>>>> >> [tid:122397712]
>>>>>>>>> >> [log.py:122 error] [req-2bd8a290-e17b-4178-80a6-4b36d5793d85]
>>>>>>>>> >> Error closing
>>>>>>>>> >> cursor
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool Traceback (most recent
>>>>>>>>> >> call last):
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool   File
>>>>>>>>> >> "/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/base.py", line 1226,
>>>>>>>>> >> in
>>>>>>>>> >> _safe_close_cursor
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool     cursor.close()
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool ProgrammingError: close
>>>>>>>>> >> cannot be
>>>>>>>>> >> used while an asynchronous query is underway
>>>>>>>>> >>   36365 ERROR sqlalchemy.pool.QueuePool
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> ###ps status of nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> POD6-Mongodb03:/var/log/uvp-getosstat/statistics20171106101500log
>>>>>>>>> >> # cat
>>>>>>>>> >> /proc/33316/stack
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffff810e4c24>] futex_wait_queue_me+0xc4/0x120
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffff810e5799>] futex_wait+0x179/0x280
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffff810e782e>] do_futex+0xfe/0x5b0
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffff810e7d60>] SyS_futex+0x80/0x180
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffff81654e09>] system_call_fastpath+0x16/0x1b
>>>>>>>>> >> [<ffffffffffffffff>] 0xffffffffffffffff
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> ### stack of the nova-conductor process
>>>>>>>>> >> POD6-Mongodb03:/tmp # pstack 33316
>>>>>>>>> >> #0  0x00002b8449e35f4d in __lll_lock_wait () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /lib64/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>>>>> >> #1  0x00002b8449e31d02 in _L_lock_791 () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /lib64/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>>>>> >> #2  0x00002b8449e31c08 in pthread_mutex_lock () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /lib64/libpthread.so.0
>>>>>>>>> >> #3  0x00002b84554c44ab in pq_abort () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/_psycopg.so
>>>>>>>>> >> #4  0x00002b84554c955e in psyco_conn_rollback () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /python2.7/site-packages/psycopg2/_psycopg.so
>>>>>>>>> >> #5  0x00002b8449b42b50 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /lib64/libpython2.7.so.1.0
>>>>>>>>> >> #6  0x00002b8449b42ad0 in PyEval_EvalFrameEx () from
>>>>>>>>> >> /lib64/libpython2.7.so.1.0
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> The psycopg2 was trying to close the cursor, and try to get the
>>>>>>>>> >> mutex lock
>>>>>>>>> >> "pthread_mutex_lock", but it seems that the cursor was used by
>>>>>>>>> >> other
>>>>>>>>> >> session.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Questions:
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> 1. What the error "ProgrammingError: close cannot be used while an
>>>>>>>>> >> asynchronous query is underway" mean?
>>>>>>>>> >> AFAIK, these caused by psycopg2, which means a asynchronous query
>>>>>>>>> >> was
>>>>>>>>> >> executed in one connection.
>>>>>>>>> >> But the I think the sqlalchemy was thread safe since it was
>>>>>>>>> >> patched by
>>>>>>>>> >> eventlet, see details in  eventlet/support/psycopg2_patcher.py
>>>>>>>>> >> And we can see different green thread number in the log, as:
>>>>>>>>> >> [pid:36365] [MainThread] [tid:122397712]
>>>>>>>>> >> [pid:36365] [MainThread] [tid:122397815]
>>>>>>>>> >> So, I guess the connection pool in one process is safe.
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> 2. The nova-conductor was a multi-thread python client, which
>>>>>>>>> >> forked
>>>>>>>>> >> several child process.
>>>>>>>>> >> ps -elf|grep -i nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 30878  1 pool_s /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 36364  1 ep_pol /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 36365  1 futex_ /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 36366  1 ep_pol /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 36367  1 ep_pol /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >> 36368  1 ep_pol /usr/bin/nova-conductor
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> If the nova-conductor was started with only one child, the problem
>>>>>>>>> >> was not
>>>>>>>>> >> happen.
>>>>>>>>> >> Does this mean the connection/engine CAN NOT shared in these child
>>>>>>>>> >> processes?
>>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>>> >> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > --
>>>>>>>>> > SQLAlchemy -
>>>>>>>>> > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete,
>>>>>>>>> > and
>>>>>>>>> > Verifiable Example. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for a
>>>>>>>>> > full
>>>>>>>>> > description.
>>>>>>>>> > ---
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>>>>>>> SQLAlchemy -
>>>>>>> The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
>>>>>>> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
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>>> SQLAlchemy -
>>> The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
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