Hi there!

I have a very complicated queries generator and I want to test it. 
Currently it looks like that:

def test():
    query = generate_query()
    compiled = compile_query(query)
    assert compiled == 'SELECT * FROM table'

Problems begin when I add some filters to query:

def test():
    query = generate_query_with_filters()
    compiled = compile_query(query)
    assert compiled == 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE a = 1 and b = 2'

This test can fail sometimes because condition in compiled query can be 
swaped: "SELECT * FROM table WHERE b = 2 and a = 1". 
Is there any way to compare Query objects?

I tried to do this (does't work):
a = Model.query
b = Model.query
# assert a == b, 'failed'

a = Model.query.filter(Model.col == 1)
b = Model.query.filter(Model.col == 1)
# assert a.statement == b.statement

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