
I'm encountering an issue where loading a model in a text fixture causes 
the load options to be ignored when I load the same model in a Flask 

I have these two models

class Plate(db.Model):
    container_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('containers.id'))
    container = db.relationship('Container', uselist=False, lazy='noload')

class Container(db.Model):

The relationship is 'noload', since that's the default relationship loading 
technique I want. 

However, I have an endpoint to update a plate in which I want the plate's 
container to be loaded. In the endpoint, I do this:

plate = Plate.query.options(noload('*'), joinedload(Plate.container).noload(

Here, plate.container is correctly loaded.

However, in a test, I have a fixture which POSTs a plate, and then loads 
the plate. 

def plate_fixture(client, session): 
    response = client.post('/plate-endpoint', content_type=... data=...)
    plate = Plate.query.get(response.json['plate_id']
    return plate

In the same endpoint code above, plate.container is not loaded for tests, 
but is loaded correctly in the app. Removing Plate.query.get from the 
fixture fixes the issue. 

I'm using SQLAlchemy 1.1.5 (although I've tried 1.2.9 and it hasn't fixed 
the issue), Postgres 9.6, and pytest-postgresql 1.3.4

Thanks for the help

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