I'm running the code below against an oracle database:

from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base, DeferredReflection

#Create and engine and get the metadata
Base = declarative_base(cls=DeferredReflection)

#Definição de dados

class Utilizador(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'utilizador'
    __table_args__ = {'schema':'si'}

#Create a session to use the tables    
engine = create_engine('oracle://teste:teste@')


lst_col= [c.name for c in Assistente.__table__.columns]
print (lst_col, len(lst_col))

But I'm getting a warning with the follow message:
python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/dialects/oracle/base.py:1653: SAWarning: 
Got 'None' querying 'table_name' from all_cons_columns - does the user have 
proper rights to the table?

The query runs but with the warning.

In the tests made I see that if I give "select any table" privilege to the 
user it runs without any warning, but for security reasons I don't wan't to 
give that kind of privilege, that give the user possibility to query any 
table in the all database. I gave all permissions on that table to the 
"teste" user, and by sql it's possible to query and do any operations in 
the table, also it's possible to do all operation by python but with the 

Can you please help me find what I doing wrong, or what is the problem?

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