I am using an association model / table to represent a many to many 

class Geography(db.Model):

    id = 

class Fund(db.Model):
    id = 
    geography_associations = db.relationship(
        lambda: FundGeographyAssociation,
        cascade='save-update, merge, delete, delete-orphan'

    geographies = db.relationship(
        secondary=lambda: FundGeographyAssociation.__table__,

class FundGeographyAssociation(db.Model):
    fund_id = db.Column(
        UUID, db.ForeignKey(Fund.id), primary_key=True,
    geography_id = db.Column(
        UUID, db.ForeignKey(Geography.id), primary_key=True,

    fund = db.relationship(Fund, back_populates='geography_associations')

and then am attempting to update the list of geographies for a Fund using:
   fund.geographies = [????]

my issue is what to put in ??? when I only have the pk of the geography 

this works: Geography.query.get(id) however this does not: Geography(id=id) 
as the latter tries to create a new Geography object leading to conflicts. 
The former seems "silly" as it requires an extra query to db to load the 
object even though all i need is the geography id to create the association 
object. I tried variation of session.merge with load=False however that 
doesn't work as the object is transient.

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