
I'm use SQLAlchemy for work with existing Oracle DB(Python 3.5.4, 
SQLAlchemy 1.2.11, cx_Oracle 6.1, Oacle Client 11g1). 
I reflecting tables and views(including materialized views) for quering 

Tere is MV exists in DB
create materialized view test_mv_table

refresh force on demand
nvl(exp(sum(ln(abs(case when 0.1 <> 0 then 0.1 end)))) * decode(mod(sum(
decode(sign(0.1), 0,  0, 1,0,1)), 2), 0, 1,-1),0) * nvl(sum(case when sign(
0.1) = 0 then 0 end), 1) as number_column_eval,
0.1 as number_column_constant
from dual

Column number_column_constant defined explicitly as 0.1 and 
number_column_eval is result of evaluation equal the same 0.1

sqlplus qury result is:

SQL> select * from test_mv_table;
> ------------------ ----------------------
>                 .1                     .1

Both values representation is '0.1'.

Now I query data in code:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

# Reflect table
eng = create_engine('CONNECTION_STRING')
md = MetaData()
md.reflect(bind=eng, only=['test_mv_table', ])
test_mv_table = md.tables['test_mv_table']

# Set asdecimal=True

# Get data
session = sessionmaker(bind=eng)()
mv_res = session.query(test_mv_table.c.number_column_constant, test_mv_table

# Print result

So I get result:

[(Decimal('0.1'), Decimal('0.1000000000000000000000000000000000000003'))]

but expect that values will be equal(as it is when i query data by sblplus).

I will be grateful if somebody explain to me why the value of 
number_column_eval  was not quered as 0.1 and how I can get it as Decimal 
represented as 0.1.

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