I'm using sqlalchemy's ORM, and run queries like, I want to get all Odds 
for a specific Event.

An Event has many EventMarkets, an EventMarket has many MarketParticipants, 
and each MarketParticipant has many Odds.

A query like,

> .join(Odds.market_participant)
> .join(MarketParticipant.event_market)
> .join(EventMarket.event)
> .options( 

>     .contains_eager(MarketParticipant.event_market)
>     .contains_eager(EventMarket.event))
> .filter(Event.id == 123456)

This produces a query like,

>  FROM odds
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN market_participant AS market_participant_1 ON 
> market_participant_1.id = odds.market_participant_id 
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN event_market AS event_market_1 ON event_market_1.id = 
> market_participant_1.event_market_id 
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN event AS event_1 ON event_1.id = event_market_1.event_id
WHERE event.id = 123456

Which works perfectly, but I consider having to have both join and 
contains_eager redundant, I'd much prefer to do the more straightforward,

> .options( 

>     .joinedload(MarketParticipant.event_market)
>     .joinedload(EventMarket.event))
> .filter(Event.id == 123456)

But this produces a query like

>  FROM event, odds
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN market_participant AS market_participant_1 ON 
> market_participant_1.id = odds.market_participant_id 
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN event_market AS event_market_1 ON event_market_1.id = 
> market_participant_1.event_market_id 
>  LEFT OUTER JOIN event AS event_1 ON event_1.id = event_market_1.event_id
> WHERE event.id = 123456

As it queries from both Event, and then Odds with the joins to Event again, 
this time as "event_1", it joins the entire table, incorrectly.


I'm also aware I could do all the filters,

> .filter(
>     Odds.market_participant,
>     MarketParticipant.event_market,
>     EventMarket.event,
>     Event.id == 123456)
But that doesn't ensure the "bits" are loaded in (market_participant for 
odds, event_market for market_participant, etc.), you still need to 
redundantly add the contains_eager chain,

> .options(contains_eager(Odds.market_participant)
>          .contains_eager(MarketParticipant.event_market)
>          .contains_eager(EventMarket.event))
> .filter(
>     Odds.market_participant,
>     MarketParticipant.event_market,
>     EventMarket.event,
>     Event.id == 123456)
This produces a perfectly acceptable query, with filtering via the tables, 
instead of joins,

FROM event, event_market, market_participant, odds
>  WHERE market_participant.id = odds.market_participant_id 

 AND event_market.id = market_participant.event_market_id 
>  AND event.id = event_market.event_id 

 AND event.id = 123456


Again, I know coupling join with contains_eager (as is done in the first 
example) works, but I absolutely consider it redundant.

This redundancy is shown more clearly if you swap contains_eager with 

> .join(Odds.market_participant)
> .join(MarketParticipant.event_market)
> .join(EventMarket.event)
> .options( 

>     .joinedload(MarketParticipant.event_market)
>     .joinedload(EventMarket.event))
> .filter(Event.id == 123456)

That produces the exact same as the first query, coupling join with 


Is there any way to be able to specify what you want in joinedload in the 
options without having to specify the join as well, *AND* be able to filter 
on those tables, like the example.

The main reason I'm asking this is because every now and again, with a 
simple autcompleted typo, or forgetfulness, I forget something, or get 
something wrong in the join chain, or the contains_eager chain, and instead 
of a query coming back within seconds, it stalls for a few minutes, trying 
to return a million rows, instead of fifty.  99% of the time with these 
mistakes one side will be correct (the join chain), with a mistake in the 
other (the contains_eager chain).  I understand those bugs / errors are "on 
me", but even every time I do it, to do it right it frustrates me a bit.

I've put a decent amount of effort into design the tables with minimal 
redundancy, both on the Db side, and within my code, but then, when I'm 
running a few queries, I do get frustrated every time when I have to write 
double the "join" logic, in both .join / .filter, and .contains_eager.

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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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