Thank you so much for this detailed response. I really appreciate it, the 
explanation and example really furthered my understanding and where I was 
going wrong. 

On Sunday, September 23, 2018 at 9:05:36 PM UTC+1, Ioannes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had originally asked a question here: 
> However as I am still really stuck, I thought asking to a group more 
> specifically focussed on SQLAlchemy would be better.
> I have a table in the database (see below for test file going into 
> table).The table has two fields, name (the latin name e.g. homo sapiens) 
> and other names (the common names e.g. human, man). I want to update a 
> field (other names) in the table, so instead of having:
> Rana rugosa human   Rana rugosa man Rana rugosa frog    Rana rugosa cow
> In the database table, It will return this: 
> Rana rugosa human,man,frog,cow
> The test_data file looks like this:
> origin_organism        common_name         tested_organismRana rugosa         
>    human                -Rana rugosa            man                  -Rana 
> rugosa            frog                 homo sapiensRana rugosa            cow 
>                  Rana rugosaRana rugosa            frog                 Rana 
> rugosaRana rugosa            frog                 -Rana rugosa            
> frog                 -Rana rugosa            frog                homo 
> sapiens-                      -                               --              
>         -                               homo sapiens-                      -  
>                              --                      -                        
>        --                      -                               --             
>          -                               -
> streptococcus pneumoniae    -              -
> The code:
> import sys from sqlalchemy.orm  import * from sqlalchemy  import * from 
> dbn.sqlalchemy_module  import lib import pd
> engine = lib.get_engine(user="user", psw="pwd", db="db", 
> db_host="")Base = lib.get_automapped_base(engine)
> session = Session(engine)
> tbs = lib.get_mapped_classes(Base)
> session.rollback()
> df = pd.read_excel('test_data.xlsx', sheet_name = 'test2')
> for index, row in df.iterrows():  
>     origin_latin_name = row['origin_organism'].strip().lower()
>     other_names_name = row['common_name'].strip().lower()
>     tested_species = row['tested_organism'].strip().lower()
> if origin_latin_name not in [None, "None", "", "-"]:
>     instance = [x[0] for x in 
> Session.query(session,tbs['species'].name).filter_by(name=origin_latin_name).all()]
>     if origin_latin_name not in instance:
>         origin_species = lib.get_or_create(
>             session,
>             tbs["species"],
>             name = origin_latin_name,
>             other_names = other_names_name
>         )
>     elif origin_latin_name in instance:
>         other_names_query = 
> Session.query(session,tbs['species'].other_names).filter_by(name=origin_latin_name)
>         other_names_query_list = [x for x in other_names_query]
>         original_list2 = list(set([y for y in x[0].split(',') for x in 
> other_names_query_list]))
>         if other_names_name not in original_list2:
>             original_list2.append(other_names_name)
>             new_list = ','.join(original_list2)
>             new_names = {'other_names':','.join(original_list2)}
>         origin_species = lib.get_or_create(
>             session,
>             tbs["species"],
>             name = origin_latin_name,
>             other_names = new_list
>         )
> The part from the elif statement doesn't work. I've ran into two problems:
> (1) The most recent error I got: NameError: name 'new_list' is not defined
> (2) another error I got is that I have another table further on
> map1 = lib.get_or_create(
>     session,
>     tbs["map1"],
>     age_id_id = age,
>>     name_id_id =
>     )
> ...and it said that origin_species object cannot be found, but I think 
> this is linked to the elif statement, that somehow the origin_species 
> object is not being updated properly.
> If anyone could help I would appreciate it. 

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