On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 12:50 PM Sebastian Meinhardt
<seb.meinha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Our database environment drops idle connections after an hour. My application 
> uses the SQLAlchemy connection pool to deal with this. The problem is: When a 
> connection is closed, it takes the pool a real long time (15-20 minutes) to 
> recover. This happens with both strategies, pool_pre_ping and pool_recylce. 
> Apparently, the pool hangs when trying to operate on the already dead 
> connections.
> Here is an excerpt from the logs. Look at the timestamps!
> With pool_pre_ping:
> 2018-10-25 12:30:38,866:DEBUG:Connection <cx_Oracle.Connection to 
> USER@DATABASE> checked out from pool
> 2018-10-25 12:30:38,868:DEBUG:Pool pre-ping on connection 
> <cx_Oracle.Connection to USER@DATABASE>
> 2018-10-25 12:46:26,624:DEBUG:Pool pre-ping on connection 
> <cx_Oracle.Connection to USER@DATABASE> failed, will invalidate pool
> 2018-10-25 12:46:26,626:INFO:Disconnection detected on checkout, invalidating 
> all pooled connections prior to current timestamp (reason: 
> InvalidatePoolError())
> With pool_recycle:
> 2018-10-25 12:40:51,869:INFO:Connection <cx_Oracle.Connection to 
> USER@DATABASE> exceeded timeout; recycling
> 2018-10-25 12:40:51,871:DEBUG:Closing connection <cx_Oracle.Connection to 
> 2018-10-25 12:56:39,493:ERROR:Exception closing connection 
> <cx_Oracle.Connection to USER@DATABASE>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/pool.py", line 314, 
> in _close_connection
>     self._dialect.do_close(connection)
>   File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py", 
> line 465, in do_close
>     dbapi_connection.close()
> cx_Oracle.OperationalError: ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
> Process ID: 0
> Session ID: 540 Serial number: 46277
> 2018-10-25 12:56:39,674:DEBUG:Created new connection <cx_Oracle.Connection to 
> As this is an interactive application, I cannot let the user wait for 16 
> minutes. While I could implement an application side timeout that creates a 
> new pool every 59 minutes, it feels like that would be missing the point. Is 
> there an SQLAlchemy solution to my problem? Decrease the timeout on 
> ping/close? Recycle connections in a background threads? Am I doing something 
> fundamentally wrong here?

Here's how SQLAlchemy pings the database:


                if pool._pre_ping:
                    if fairy._echo:
                            "Pool pre-ping on connection %s",

                    result = pool._dialect.do_ping(fairy.connection)
# <-- this is apparently taking 16 minutes
                    if not result:
                        if fairy._echo:
                                "Pool pre-ping on connection %s failed, "
                                "will invalidate pool", fairy.connection)
                        raise exc.InvalidatePoolError()


    def do_ping(self, dbapi_connection):
        cursor = None
            cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
        except self.dbapi.Error as err:
            if self.is_disconnect(err, dbapi_connection, cursor):
                return False
            return True

So the first question is: do you see this 15-20 minute timeout with a
plain DBAPI connection? From a python prompt, create a cx_Oracle
connection, then kill the connection from the DB side (or wait an
hour). Then try to create a cursor and execute a trivial query.

If it takes a very long time to return, you need a DBAPI-level fix.
The cx_Oracle docs suggest there is a configurable timeout parameter

If it fails immediately, repeat the experiment using an SQLAlchemy engine.

Let us know how you get on,


SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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