Thanks -- the "before_compile" event seems interesting -- that could solve 
automatically adding a tenant on the SELECT side of things. What I wish for 
is a usage pattern like:

   1. When a web request comes in, determine the appropriate tenant
   2. Set the tenant somewhere associated with the context of the request
   3. Use the database as if it were single-tenant, relying on event 
   handlers/subclassed ORM objects/something to fill in the tenant for INSERT 
   and SELECT statements.

Does that seem realistic?

For schema-per-tenant, I can image how that would be done with 
schema_translate_map or search_path, since that covers both INSERT and 
SELECT. For row-per-tenant, is there something roughly equivalent to 
before_compile to be able to modify INSERT statements to include a tenant? 
There's the engine before_execute event -- maybe that would work -- but 
someone in this group has said those are evil 

The "MultiAlchemy 
example I linked to earlier creates a Session subclass overriding the "add" 
method to automatically include the tenant, but it seems like that would 
miss objects that get added implicitly through relationships. 

Finally, a specific question about before_compile. If the query I want to 
modify is for first(), changing the query fails with:

sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Query.filter() being called on a Query 
which already has LIMIT or OFFSET applied. To modify the row-limited 
results of a  Query, call from_self() first.  Otherwise, call filter() 
before limit() or offset() are applied.

If I use from_self(), I get:

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python 

I guess because from_self causes the event handler to be fired again. I 
could use some kind of flag to avoid that, but needing to do so makes me 
wonder if I'm doing something wrong? Example:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, event, 
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, Query

engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=True)
Base = declarative_base()
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

class User(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'users'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String)
    fullname = Column(String)
    password = Column(String)
    deleted = Column(Boolean, default=False)

@event.listens_for(Query, "before_compile", retval=True)
def no_deleted(query):
    for desc in query.column_descriptions:
        if desc['type'] is User:
            entity = desc['entity']
            query = query.from_self().filter(entity.deleted == False)
    return query

session = Session()
ed_user = User(name='ed', fullname='Ed Jones', password='edspassword')

any_not_deleted_user = session.query(User).first()

Thanks again for the guidance,


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