Hello all,

I'm using `session.merge()` within an HTTP handler, I would like to know 
which objects have been newly added and which ones have been modified after 
`merge()` completes. 

Bare with me please ...

I know there are `before_flush`, etc. events exactly for this scenario but 
I **only** need to know within the context of my HTTP request handler. I am 
already using whole application-server `before_flush`, `before_commit`, 
etc for other purposes.

*Here is my use-case scenario:*

Consider an object graph that represents folder with sub-folders and files 
(of any depth). For example:

# root folder

# file1 within folder1; folder1 within root

# file2 within folder2; folder2 within folder1; folder1 within root

My sqlalchemy model looks like this:

class Folder(Base):
id = Column(... primary key)
folder_id = Column(... foreign key to parent folder id)
folder = relationship(...

class File(Base):
id = Column(... primary key)
folder_id = Column(... foreign key to parent folder id)
folder = relationship(...

The HTTP client would like to do a **single** POST containing the new 
directory structure with folders and subfolders rearranged containing any 
combination of existing files, existing folders, and to-be created new 
folders and subfolders. All in a single HTTP POST.

*My current solution is like this:*

Within my HTTP request handler, the POST payload is validated and newly 
detached sqlalchemy instances are created (I'm using pyramid, cornice and 

I use `session.merge()` to automatically "create" and/or "update" my object 
graph in one shot. Even if this payload object graph contains any 
combination of persisted objects and new objects.

For instance, HTTP client wants the following changes ...


... to be applied over ...


IOW: client wants to create a new folder3 (containing a new subfolder 
folder4); putting folder3 in root; and moving folder1 into folder4 - all in 
one shot:

In code, something like this would be happening within marshmallow:

folder3 = Folder()
folder4 = Folder()

In my HTTP handler, I'm doing this:

folder3 = request.validated['folder']

All this works just fine :)
New folders are created and existing folders and existing files are 
shuffled around correctly.

*However*, after the `merge()`, folder3 and folder4 appear in 
`session.dirty` while `session.new` is empty. Also folder1 appears in 
`session.dirty`. I.e. `session.dirty` has both newly inserted and modified 

I need to know that folder3 and folder4 were newly added so I can tell the 
client "newly added folders: folder3, folder4" - client doesn't care about 
"updated" folders and/or files, just cares about new folders.

So, looking at `session.new` and `session.dirty` doesn't help me 
identifying which objects were newly inserted and which ones were updated.

*How can I know if folder3 was newly added (or any descendant) without 
having to query the DB for every object in the POSTed object graph before 
passing all down to `session.merge()`?*

I was considering that I could `@event.listens_for('init'...)` within the 
context of the HTTP request (perhaps `before_flush`)  but there is a 
"dragon warning" (https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/event.html) 
about adding/removing events in "high velocity" which sounds like I would 
be doing here?

*Any suggestions?*

Perhaps I'm doing this all wrong to start with ... As my last resort, I 
could just simplify my API and incrementally build the directory structure 
step by step like a normal "filesystem":

folder1 = mkdir('folder1', root)
put_file(file1, folder1)
folder2 mkdir('folder2', folder1)
put_file(file2, folder1)

The disadvantage would be that client would need to sequentially send each 
HTTP request one by one in the correct order. Which is the opposite of the 
desired use-case scenario.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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