I am wondering  why a self referential relationship is failing to load in a 
single query. First i would like to select all accounts which belong to a 
specific branch in one query then select  from all accounts in the other 
query and do the mapping using sqlalchemy instead on emitting alot of sql 
to database, which is having alot of latency

class BranchAccount(DeclarativeBaseGuid):
    __tablename__ = 'account_branch'
    account_id = Column( "account_id" , VARCHAR( length=32 ) , ForeignKey( 
'accounts.guid' ) , index=True )
    branch_id = Column( "branch_id" , VARCHAR( length=32 ) , ForeignKey( 
'branch.guid' ) )
    color = Column('color', VARCHAR(length=20))
    notes = Column('notes', VARCHAR(length=200))
    account = relationship("Account", back_populates="branches")
    branch = relationship("Branch", back_populates="accounts")

    def __init__(self , color="rgb(237,236,235)" , notes=""):
        self.color = color
        self.notes = notes

    def __unirepr__(self):
        return u"<BranchAccount <{}> <{}>".format(self.account.name, 

class Branch(DeclarativeBaseGuid):
    __tablename__ = 'branch'
    # column definitions
    name = Column('name', VARCHAR(length=25), nullable=False)
    location = Column('location', VARCHAR(length=200), nullable=False)
    book_guid = Column('book_id', VARCHAR(length=32), 
ForeignKey('books.guid'), index=True)
    book = relationship( 'Book' , back_populates='branches' )
    users = relationship( 'User' ,
                          back_populates="branch" ,
                          cascade='all, delete-orphan' ,
                          collection_class=CallableList ,
    accounts = relationship( "BranchAccount" , back_populates="branch" ,
                             cascade='all, delete-orphan' , lazy="subquery" 

    def __init__(self, name="", location="", users=None):
        self.name = name
        self.location = location
        if users:
            self.users = users

    def __unirepr__(self):
        return u"Branch<{} {}>".format(self.name, self.location)

class Account(DeclarativeBaseGuid):
    __tablename__ = 'accounts'
    # column definitions
    guid = Column( 'guid' , VARCHAR( 32 ) , primary_key=True ,
                   nullable=False , default=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex )
    name = Column('name', VARCHAR(length=48), nullable=False, unique=True)
    _type = Column( 'account_type' , ChoiceType( AccountType ) , 
nullable=False )
    commodity_guid = Column('commodity_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), 
    _commodity_scu = Column('commodity_scu', INTEGER(), nullable=False)
    _non_std_scu = Column('non_std_scu', INTEGER(), nullable=False)
    parent_guid = Column('parent_guid', VARCHAR(length=32), 
    code = Column('code', VARCHAR(length=20))
    description = Column('description', VARCHAR(length=200))
    hidden = Column('hidden', INTEGER())
    placeholder = Column('placeholder', INTEGER())
    # relation definitions
    commodity = relationship( 'Commodity' , back_populates='accounts' )
    children = relationship( 'Account' ,
                             back_populates='parent' ,
                             lazy="select" ,
                             cascade='all, delete-orphan' ,
    parent = relationship( 'Account' ,
                           uselist=False ,
    lots = relationship( 'Lot' ,
                         back_populates='account' ,
                         cascade='all, delete-orphan' ,
    budget_amounts = relationship( 'BudgetAmount' ,
                                   back_populates='account' ,
                                   cascade='all, delete-orphan' ,
                                   collection_class=CallableList ,
    scheduled_transaction = relationship( 'ScheduledTransaction' ,
                                          cascade='all, delete-orphan' ,
                                          uselist=False ,
    branches = relationship("BranchAccount", back_populates="account")

    splits = relationship( 'Split' ,
                           back_populates='account' ,
                           cascade='all, delete-orphan',
                           passive_deletes=True ,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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