Any solution for this?

On Monday, September 11, 2017 at 6:34:47 PM UTC-4, dirk.biesinger wrote:
> I am encountering errors when trying to use the pd.to_sql function to 
> write a dataframe to MS SQL Data Warehouse.
> The connection works when NOT using sqlalchemy engines.
> I can read dataframes as well as row-by-row via select statements when I 
> use pyodbc connections
> I can write data via insert statements (as well as delete data) when using 
> pyodbc.
> However, when I try to connect using a sqlalchemy engine I run into a 
> string of error messages starting with:
> ProgrammingError: (pyodbc.ProgrammingError) ('42000', "[42000] 
> [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Catalog view 
> 'dm_exec_sessions' is not supported in this version. (104385) 
> (SQLExecDirectW)")
> I have searched online, and this exact error seems to have been reported / 
> evaluated in May of this year as issue #3994:
> I could not find a solution to this, and I'd really dislike to do a line-wise 
> or blob insert statement (I'm working with multiple datasets that each has a 
> few million rows, so execution time is a consideration, although the result 
> sets I'm getting are more like in the 100k lines area each.)
> I get the same error messages even when I replace the pd.to_sql command with 
> a simple engine.connect()
> Enclosed my installed packages (packages.list)
> Enclosed the full traceback (traceback.txt)
> This is the code I'm using:
> connection_string = 
> "mssql+pyodbc://<username>:<password>@<sqlhost><port>/<database>?driver=ODBC+Driver+13+for+SQL+Server"
> engn = sqlalchemy.engine.create_engine(connection_string, echo=True)
> engn.connect()
> I'm very well aware that MS SQL DataWarehouse behaves a bit different, so 
> I'm open for some experimenting to get this issue narrowed down.
> In case it matters: I'm running an ubuntu 16.04 VM on azure with jupyter 
> notebook server and python 3.6.1.
> Best,
> DB

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