Hello all - 

I am relatively new to using SQLAlchemy for more complex use cases. I am in 
the process of creating a time series query, but I am unable to reference a 
column by its alias at the top level of the query.

This is the query that I am trying to address that SQLAlchemy is currently 

SELECT non_interval_query.metadata_value AS 
       coalesce(sum(non_interval_query.coalesce_2), 0) AS coalesce_1,
  (SELECT generate_series(date_trunc('day', date('2019-01-06T00:00:00+00:00'
)), date_trunc('day', date('2019-01-12T00:00:00+00:00')), '1 day') AS 
timestamp) AS time_series
  (SELECT post_metadata_1.metadata_value AS post_metadata_1_metadata_value,
          post_metadata_2.metadata_value AS post_metadata_2_metadata_value,
          vw_post.created_at AS vw_post_created_at,
          coalesce(count(DISTINCT vw_post.id), 0) AS coalesce_1
   FROM vw_post
   JOIN post_metadata AS post_metadata_1 ON post_metadata_1.post_id = 
   JOIN post_metadata AS post_metadata_2 ON post_metadata_2.post_id = 
   WHERE post_metadata_1.metadata_value IN ('<metadata_values>')
     AND post_metadata_2.metadata_value IN ('<metadata_value>')
     AND vw_post.created_at >= '2019-01-06T00:00:00+00:00'
     AND vw_post.created_at <= '2019-01-12T00:00:00+00:00'
     AND post_metadata_1.schema_uid = '<schema_uid>'
     AND post_metadata_1.metadata_name = '<metadata_name>'
     AND post_metadata_2.schema_uid = '<schema_uid>'
     AND post_metadata_2.metadata_name = '<metadata_name>'
     AND vw_post.license_id IN (<license_ids>)
   GROUP BY vw_post.created_at,
            vw_post.created_at) AS non_interval_query ON date_trunc('day', 
created_at) = timestamp;

You'll notice that "non_interval_query.metadata_value AS 
non_interval_query_metadata_value" specified at the beginning of the query 
is ambiguous due to the 2 "metadata_value" selects in the 
"non_interval_query" subquery. What I'm trying to do is have 2 selects at 
the top level - one for "non_interval_query.post_metadata_1_metadata_value" 
and one for "non_interval_query.post_metadata_2_metadata_value".

For reference, here is the code used to generate the above query:

def apply_date_group_by(self, session, query, range_gb_params):
    field_name = self.db.get("column")
    model = self._object.get("model")

    if not field_name or not model:
        raise ValueError("Invalid date group by")

    gb_column = self._build_column()
    interval = range_gb_params.get("interval")
    interval_type = range_gb_params.get("interval_type")

    time_series = func.generate_series(
        func.date_trunc(interval_type, func.date(range_gb_params["start"])),
        func.date_trunc(interval_type, func.date(range_gb_params["end"])),

    ts_column = column("timestamp")

    time_series_query = session.query(time_series).subquery("time_series")
    non_interval_query = query.subquery("non_interval_query")
    # have to replace the original gb_column with the 'timestamp' column
    # in order to properly merge the dataset into the time series dataset
    non_gb_columns, gbs = self._prepare_non_gb_columns(
        ts_column, gb_column, non_interval_query.columns

    # construct query with correct position passed in from `range_gb_params`
    query_position = range_gb_params.get("query_index_position", 0)
    non_gb_columns.insert(query_position, ts_column)

    date_gb_query = session.query(*non_gb_columns).select_from(
            func.date_trunc(interval_type, column(field_name)) == ts_column,

    if gbs:
        date_gb_query = date_gb_query.group_by(*gbs)

    return date_gb_query.order_by(ts_column)

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated! 

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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