i fiddled around with this. here are some interessting perceptions.

defining the primary_key manually yields this, which is totally irrational 
to me. the missing view that i am after is already defined somewhere? 

>>> my_view = Table("web_view", metadata, Column("NODE_ID", Integer, 
primary_key=True), autoload=True)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/schema.py", line 
439, in __new__
    "existing Table object." % key)
sqlalchemy.exc.InvalidRequestError: Table 'web_view' is already defined for 
this MetaData instance.  Specify 'extend_existing=True' to redefine options 
and columns on an existing Table object.

so i did what it requires (extend_existing=True)...it seems it gets imported

>>> my_view = Table("web_view", metadata, Column("NODE_ID", Integer, 
primary_key=True), autoload=True, extend_existing=True)
>>> my_view
Column('NODE_ID', Integer(), table=<web_view>, primary_key=True, 
nullable=False), Column('NODE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('LOCATION', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('IS_CLUSTER', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('MAN_SYS_NAME', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('HAS_CICS', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('OS_LEVEL', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('HAS_COBOL', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('HAS_ORACLE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('MEM_VALUE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('HAS_TUXEDO', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('STORAGE_VALUE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
Column('IS_LPM', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_SAP', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('CPU_VALUE', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('CLUSTER_RGS', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('HA_LEVEL', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('CLUSTER_NODES', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('CLUSTER_NAME', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('CPU_POOL', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('AME_FACTOR', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('SYS_PROFILE', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('INFO_MAIL', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('HOSTNAME', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('OS_TYPE', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java6_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java7_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java8_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java5_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java8', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java5', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java14', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java7', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java71', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java71_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java14_64', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java6', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('UPTIME', 
VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('IP', VARCHAR(length=256), 
table=<web_view>), Column('IP_LONG', VARCHAR(length=256), 
table=<web_view>), Column('CLUSTER_NODENAME', VARCHAR(length=256), 
table=<web_view>), Column('RG_SERVICE_IP_LONG', VARCHAR(length=256), 
table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_SNA', VARCHAR(length=256), 
table=<web_view>), schema=None)

and the view apears  as a class...

>>> from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
>>> Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata)
>>> Base.prepare()
>>> print(Base.classes.keys())
['attribs', 'dyn_table', 'web_view', 'nodes', 'entries']

i have grave doubts that this is intended behaviour. not sure how to 
proceed from here.

On Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 8:54:03 AM UTC+1, christia...@itsv.at 
> maybe a "primary key" issue? 
> from the docs:
> sually, it’s desired to have at least a primary key constraint when 
> reflecting a view, if not foreign keys as well. View reflection doesn’t 
> extrapolate these constraints. 
> Use the “override” technique for this, specifying explicitly those columns 
> which are part of the primary key or have foreign key constraints:
> my_view = Table("some_view", metadata,
>                 Column("view_id", Integer, primary_key=True),
>                 Column("related_thing", Integer, 
> ForeignKey("othertable.thing_id")),
>                 autoload=True
> )
> On Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 8:48:40 AM UTC+1, christia...@itsv.at 
> wrote:
>> ok, so we are back to the central question. the output below indictates 
>> that only "tables" are reflected and "views" are ignored.  i like to think 
>> i am not the first who wants to  use mysql views with sqla? is this really 
>> such a difficult task?
>> >>> print(Base.classes.keys())
>> ['attribs', 'dyn_table', 'nodes', 'entries']
>> On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 4:35:22 PM UTC+1, Simon King wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:22 PM Simon King <si...@simonking.org.uk> 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > 
>>> > On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 3:13 PM <christia...@itsv.at> wrote: 
>>> > > 
>>> > > did not work out very well,...god, this stuff gives some good 
>>> headache! 
>>> > > 
>>> > > >>> from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base 
>>> > > >>> Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) 
>>> > > >>> Base.prepare() 
>>> > > >>> WebView = Base.classes.web_view 
>>> > > Traceback (most recent call last): 
>>> > >   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> 
>>> > >   File 
>>> "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/sqlalchemy/util/_collections.py", line 
>>> 212, in __getattr__ 
>>> > >     raise AttributeError(key) 
>>> > > AttributeError: web_view 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > What does "print(Base.classes)" report at this point? 
>>> Sorry, that should probably have been "print(Base.classes.keys())" 
>>> > 
>>> > 
>>> > > 
>>> > > On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 4:01:25 PM UTC+1, Simon King 
>>> wrote: 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> It looks like you are mixing up Table objects (which are part of 
>>> > >> SQLAlchemy Core) with mapped classes (part of SQLAlchemy ORM). 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> The objects in metadata.tables are instances of the Table class, 
>>> and 
>>> > >> each correspond to a table or view in the database. The ORM allows 
>>> you 
>>> > >> to define classes which are mapped to those Tables, such that each 
>>> > >> instance of the mapped class corresponds to a *row* in the table. 
>>> > >> Flask-admin works with mapped classes (which it calls "models"), 
>>> not 
>>> > >> Table instances. 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> Since you are reflecting the database anyway, the quickest way for 
>>> you 
>>> > >> to get up-and-running might be to use the Automap extension: 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/extensions/automap.html 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> It doesn't look like "Base.prepare()" accepts an argument telling 
>>> it 
>>> > >> to reflect views, so you might actually need a combination of the 
>>> two 
>>> > >> approaches, something like this (untested): 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> engine = create_engine(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI')) 
>>> > >> metadata = MetaData(bind=engine) 
>>> > >> metadata.reflect(views=True, autoload=True) 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) 
>>> > >> Base.prepare() 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> Nodes = Base.classes.nodes 
>>> > >> Attributes = Base.classes.attribs 
>>> > >> Entries = Base.classes.entries 
>>> > >> WebView = Base.classes.web_view 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> Hope that helps, 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> Simon 
>>> > >> 
>>> > >> On Wed, Feb 13, 2019 at 2:19 PM <christia...@itsv.at> wrote: 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> >  i already spent 3 days trying to map one stupid mysql view and i 
>>> cant get it to work. 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > in the python interpreter it works... 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > Python 2.7.5 (default, May 31 2018, 09:45:54) 
>>> > >> > [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-28)] on linux2 
>>> > >> > Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more 
>>> information. 
>>> 'mysql://aix_reg:blalblabla@localhost/aix_registry' 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask import Flask, request 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy 
>>> > >> > >>> from sqlalchemy import String, Enum, create_engine, MetaData, 
>>> Table, Column, Integer 
>>> > >> > >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker 
>>> > >> > >>> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask_admin.contrib import sqla 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask_admin import Admin, expose, BaseView 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask_admin.contrib.sqla import ModelView 
>>> > >> > >>> from flask_admin.model.template import EndpointLinkRowAction, 
>>> LinkRowAction 
>>> > >> > >>> Base = declarative_base() 
>>> > >> > >>> engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) 
>>> > >> > >>> metadata = MetaData(bind=engine) 
>>> > >> > >>> Base.metadata = metadata 
>>> > >> > >>> metadata.reflect(views=True, autoload=True) 
>>> > >> > >>> WebView = metadata.tables['web_view'] 
>>> > >> > >>> WebView 
>>> > >> > Table('web_view', 
>>> MetaData(bind=Engine(mysql://aix_reg:***@localhost/aix_registry)), 
>>> Column('NODE_ID', INTEGER(display_width=11), table=<web_view>, 
>>> server_default=DefaultClause(<sqlalchemy.sql.elements.TextClause object at 
>>> 0x3fff7aace890>, for_update=False)), Column('NODE', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('LOCATION', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('IS_CLUSTER', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('MAN_SYS_NAME', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_CICS', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('OS_LEVEL', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_COBOL', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_ORACLE', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('MEM_VALUE', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_TUXEDO', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('STORAGE_VALUE', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('IS_LPM', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('HAS_SAP', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('CPU_VALUE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('CLUSTER_RGS', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('HA_LEVEL', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('CLUSTER_NODES', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('CLUSTER_NAME', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('CPU_POOL', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('AME_FACTOR', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('SYS_PROFILE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('INFO_MAIL', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('HOSTNAME', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('OS_TYPE', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('Java6_64', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('Java7_64', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('Java8_64', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), 
>>> Column('Java5_64', VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java8', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java5', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java14', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java7', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java71', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java71_64', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java14_64', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('Java6', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('UPTIME', 
>>> VARCHAR(length=256), table=<web_view>), Column('IP', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('IP_LONG', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('CLUSTER_NODENAME', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('RG_SERVICE_IP_LONG', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), Column('HAS_SNA', VARCHAR(length=256), 
>>> table=<web_view>), schema=None) 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > but in the flask app no way 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > Base = declarative_base() 
>>> > >> > engine = create_engine(app.config.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI')) 
>>> > >> > metadata = MetaData(bind=engine) 
>>> > >> > Base.metadata = metadata 
>>> > >> > metadata.reflect(views=True, autoload=True) 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > Nodes = metadata.tables['nodes'] 
>>> > >> > Attributes = metadata.tables['attribs'] 
>>> > >> > Entries = metadata.tables['entries'] 
>>> > >> > WebView = metadata.tables['web_view'] 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > admin = Admin(app, name='AIX Registry', 
>>> template_mode='bootstrap3') 
>>> > >> > admin.add_view(AixAdmin(Nodes, session, 'Overview')) 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > root@lpgaixmgmtlx01:/root/flask/aix_registry>python run.py 
>>> > >> > Traceback (most recent call last): 
>>> > >> >   File "run.py", line 3, in <module> 
>>> > >> >     from app import app 
>>> > >> >   File "/root/flask/aix_registry/app/__init__.py", line 18, in 
>>> <module> 
>>> > >> >     from app import views 
>>> > >> >   File "/root/flask/aix_registry/app/views.py", line 55, in 
>>> <module> 
>>> > >> >     admin.add_view(AixAdmin(Nodes, session, 'Overview')) 
>>> > >> >   File 
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_admin/contrib/sqla/view.py", line 
>>> 329, in __init__ 
>>> > >> >     menu_icon_value=menu_icon_value) 
>>> > >> >   File 
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_admin/model/base.py", line 812, in 
>>> __init__ 
>>> > >> >     menu_icon_value=menu_icon_value) 
>>> > >> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_admin/base.py", 
>>> line 192, in __init__ 
>>> > >> >     self.endpoint = self._get_endpoint(endpoint) 
>>> > >> >   File 
>>> "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/flask_admin/model/base.py", line 825, in 
>>> _get_endpoint 
>>> > >> >     return self.model.__name__.lower() 
>>> > >> > AttributeError: 'Table' object has no attribute '__name__' 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > so how can i do this highly frustrating task correctly? 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > -- 
>>> > >> > SQLAlchemy - 
>>> > >> > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ 
>>> > >> > 
>>> > >> > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, 
>>> and Verifiable Example. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for a 
>>> full description. 
>>> > >> > --- 
>>> > >> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the 
>>> Google Groups "sqlalchemy" group. 
>>> > >> > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>> send an email to sqlalchemy+...@googlegroups.com. 
>>> > >> > To post to this group, send email to sqlal...@googlegroups.com. 
>>> > >> > Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy. 
>>> > >> > For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. 
>>> > > 
>>> > > -- 
>>> > > SQLAlchemy - 
>>> > > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
>>> > > 
>>> > > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ 
>>> > > 
>>> > > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and 
>>> Verifiable Example. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for a full 
>>> description. 
>>> > > --- 
>>> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google 
>>> Groups "sqlalchemy" group. 
>>> > > To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, 
>>> send an email to sqlalchemy+...@googlegroups.com. 
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SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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