Hi everybody!

Is there a way to use primary_join with back_populates in the following 

I have two entities (sorry, I may be wrong with the exact syntax):

class User(Base):
  id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
  billing_addresses = relationship('Address', 
primary_join='User.id==Address.id, Address.is_billing.is_(True)', 
  shipping_addresses = relationship('Address', 
primary_join='User.id==Address.id, Address.is_billing.is_(False)', 

class Address(Base):
  id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
  is_billing = sa.Column(sa.Boolean)  # Let it be a discriminator for 
whether it's a billing or shipping
  user_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('User.id'), nullable=False)
  user = relationship(User)

I had to add uselist=True explicitly, but that's not a problem.
When I try to add back_populates('user') to User.billing_addresses and 
User.shipping_addresses relationships, I get the error:
User.billing_addresses and back-reference Address.user are both of the same 
direction <symbol 'ONETOMANY>.  Did you mean to set remote_side on the 
many-to-one side?

Could you help me what and where I should fix?

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