Thanks, that does make more sense.

I ended up writing a little wrapper that allows me to create the query in 
my service including the offset/limit and continue to add additional 
filters, etc. when it's run.

class PagedQuery:
    def __init__(self, query: orm.Query):
        self.logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__)
        self.query: orm.Query = query

        self._limit: int  = None
        self._offset: int = None

    def __getattr__(self, item: Text):
            return self.__getattribute__(item)
        except AttributeError:
            def call(*args, **kwargs):
                self.query = getattr(self.query, item)(*args, **kwargs)

                return self

            return call

    def limit(self, limit: int):
        self._limit = limit

        return self

    def offset(self, offset: int):
        self._offset = offset

        return self

    def all(self):
        count = self.query.count()

        self.logger.debug(f"Paging results, count={count}, 
offset={self._offset}, limit={self._limit}")

        data = self.query \
            .limit(self._limit) \
            .offset(self._offset) \

        return {
            'total_count': count,
            'data':        data

On Monday, April 1, 2019 at 11:10:52 AM UTC-5, Derek Lambert wrote:
> Is it possible to return a query's results as a dictionary containing the 
> total count and a limited portion of the results?
> query = session.query(Item)
> results = {
>     'total_count': query.count(),
>     'data':        query.offset(0).limit(50).all(),
> }
> assert session.query(*magic_here*).*more_magic*().offset(0).limit(50).all() 
> == results
> I feel like I accidentally hit on something like this a while back, but 
> can't recall how or find any similar examples.
> Thanks,
> Derek

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