The profiler results are in but they do not tell me anything that I did not 
already find by manually stepping through the code. See my first post, 
above. The method that takes all the time is `execute` of `cx_Oracle.Cursor` 
itself. I cannot step into that because that is some C-call. 

I did however spend some time on discerning the differences between 
executing a plain text statement vs. a query object. The main difference 
appeared to be the `pre_exec` method in the cx_Oracle dialect that only 
gets called for query objects but not for plain text. And Heureka! It is 
the call to `self.set_input_sizes` (line 629 in in SQLAlchemy 
1.2.19). While the call itself is inconspicuous, it causes the huge delay 
when calling `execute` on the cursor later down the line. If I delete this 
call, my code works fine for both, the plain text and the query object.

However, comparing this to SQLAlchemy 1.3.0 (the first version to not have 
the problem) does not really point me to a solution of the puzzle: Version 
1.3.0 has the same call to `self.set_input_sizes` and it gets called with 
the same parameters. Thus, I am back to square 1: I know that setting the 
input sizes somehow screws up the cursor execution but this is not the root 
cause.I notice that fixes to `setinputsizes` show up several times in the 
links that you provided. Thus, I assume that I stumbled on one of those 
problems, though I cannot tell exactly which one of those. 

Still, upgrading to 1.3.x solves my problem. Thanks for all the help!

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