Dear Michael,

I have discovered a limitation of TypeDecorators (custom column types): any one 
that uses the database (e.g. to load objects serialised in a custom way) has no 
way to know which database session to use. During initial load one can use a 
global session object, but expired attributes may need to be refreshed at any 
time, when the current session is not necessarily the one that loaded the 
attribute, or its parent object.

For example, consider a TypeDecorator that stores a large number of Cats by ID, 
compressed to save space in the database:

import struct
import zlib

from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, LargeBinary, Text, TypeDecorator, 
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session, sessionmaker

Base = declarative_base()
current_session = None

class Cat(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'cat'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(Text)

class CompressedCats(TypeDecorator):
    ''' A house can have so many cats that we need to compress them. '''

    impl = LargeBinary
    _struct_protocol_id = struct.Struct('<i')

    def process_bind_param(self, value, _dialect):
        # Typically the column can be nullable, so you can write None to it: 
support that.
        if value is None:
            return None

        # FIXME: allow specification of different protocol id, and
        # use the id to determine the protocol argument to pass to serialize.
        return zlib.compress(b''.join(self._struct_protocol_id.pack( for 
cat in value))

    def process_result_value(self, value, _dialect):
        # Typically the column can be nullable, so you can read None from it: 
support that.
        if value is None:
            return None

        # FIXME: unpack and use protocol id to determine protocol argument to 
pass to deserialize.
        decompressed = zlib.decompress(value)
        cat_ids = [self._struct_protocol_id.unpack(decompressed[i:i + 4])[0] 
for i in range(0, len(decompressed), 4)]
        # BUG: Which session can we use here?
        global current_session
        return [current_session.query(Cat).filter_by(id=cat_id).one() for 
cat_id in cat_ids]

class House(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'house'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
   # A house can have so many cats that we need to compress them:
    cats = Column(CompressedCats)

engine = create_engine('sqlite://')
engine.echo = True

DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session_1 = DBSession(autocommit=True, expire_on_commit=True)

with session_1.begin():
    current_session = session_1
    with session_1.begin_nested():
        cats = [Cat(id=i, name='Cat #{i}') for i in range(100)]
        house = House(cats=cats)

session_2 = DBSession(autocommit=True)
with session_2.begin():
    current_session = session_2
    assert len(house.cats) == 100
    assert object_session(house.cats[0]) is session_1  # fails because the Cats 
were loaded from session_2 instead

    # We don't even need to do this to trigger the bug, unless we construct 
session_1 with expire_on_commit=False
    session_1.expire(house, ['cats'])
    assert len(house.cats) == 100
    assert object_session(house.cats[0]) is session_1

At this point, house.cats needs to be reloaded, but if we use the current 
session (session_2) then it will be incorrect.

Arguably this is the fault of the TypeDecorator in question, but it seems 
impossible to write one which is correct, because the session is not passed to 
process_result_value. _populate_full has access to it (in state.session), but 
does not pass it to getter (TypeDecorator.result_processor).

Please let me know if you can think of a solution or workaround.

Thanks, Chris.

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