I have a generic CRUDService for my web app. It's a pattern that was 
loosely suggested to me by Mike a while back. I've probably not implemented 
it the way he intended, but it works pretty well in a pretty small amount 
of code.

The main work, however, that needs to be done is in the read_all method. It 
needs to be able to handle different filters depending on which view is 
calling it. Which it can as it is now. But I want to fidget with the 
defaults a little. Basically, I almost never want to show objects that have 
been soft deleted. Only admin users/views should be able to fidget with 
things that we've "deleted". The way the method works now is that if I 
don't pass any filters in at all, it sets a filter to 
cls.is_deleted==False. But I'd like to be able to inspect incoming filters. 
Say the view looks at the resource context and determines that a view 
should only be allowed to see objects based on some ACL rule. I might 
create a filter for that view controller that looks like 
filters = (Project.usergroup==User.usergroup)

(defining the applicable usergroup for a given context is a separate 
service, but the relationship should be obvious, I think?)

and then have the view query with CRUDService.read_all(Project, 
request.dbsession, filters). The way I've got it now, that would just 
replace the default filter, and I would have to add 
Project.is_deleted==False to the tuple of filters every time I call this. I 
would like to be able to inspect the filters that are passed into the 
read_all (which, honestly, I should rename and call it read_many) method 
and say, if there isn't any reference to the is_deleted column in the 
filters, then set that as false, otherwise, accept the value in the 
function parameter. But I find the filter's tuple values quite opaque. Once 
they are instantiated, they are class-specific, and I'm trying to get at a 
general way of understanding them. I'll note that this column is guaranteed 
to be present in the framework. I've modified the declarative base such 
that every object has the is_deleted. I appreciate any help you might be 
able to give. It's very likely I'm overthinking this like a numbskull and 
the answer is painfully obvious. Here's the service class:

from pyramid.request import Request
from crudites.models.meta import Base
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from uuid import UUID
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict
from crudites.services.id_service import IDService

class CRUDService:
    '''TODO: docstring'''

    def create(cls: Base, s: Session) -> bool:
        unique_id, public_id = IDService.create_db_ids()
        return True

    def read_by_pkid(cls: Base, s: Session, id: int) -> Base:
        q = s.query(cls).get(id)
        return q

    def read_by_unique_id(cls: Base, s: Session, id: UUID) -> Base:
        q = s.query(cls).filter_by(unique_id=id).first()
        return q

    def read_by_public_id(cls: Base, s: Session, id: str) -> Base:
        q = s.query(cls).filter_by(public_id=id).first()
        return q

    def read_all(cls: Base, s: Session, filters: Tuple=None) -> List[Base]:
        if not filters:
            filters = (cls.is_deleted==False,)
        q = s.query(cls).filter(*filters).all()
        return q

    def update(cls: Base, s: Session) -> bool:
        return True

    def delete(cls: Base, s: Session)-> bool:
        return True


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