Hi Ira, I'd be happy to help you find your feet with the SQLAlchemy ORM.

In general when creating an application that uses the SQLAlchemy ORM, you 
would start with an Engine (for connecting to the db), a declarative base 
class (maps db table to python class) and a Session instance (for using a 
connection to issue queries). Do you have any familiarity with those 

On Monday, 19 August 2019 02:34:05 UTC+10, Ira Fuchs wrote:
> I am new to sqlalchemy and I would like to begin using it to create 
> scripts with some sql queries that I have been using but need to change 
> from time to time. It would help a lot if someone could translate one of 
> these queries to python sqlalchemy using an ORM (not simply executing the 
> query as is) so that I could use this as a template for other queries, or 
> at least learn from it.
> One of my queries looks like this:
> SELECT DISTINCT last_name, first_name, street_address, city, a.name, 
> postal_code, f.name as country FROM db_contact c, db_entity_tag d , 
> db_address e, db_state_province a, db_country f WHERE c.id = d.entity_id 
> and tag_id = 6 and c.id = e.contact_id AND state_province_id = a.id  and 
> e.country_id = f.id and  display_name not in ( SELECT display_name FROM 
> db_contribution, db_contact c, db_entity_tag d WHERE receive_date > 
> '2005-07-01' and contact_id = c.id and c.id = entity_id and tag_id = 6 )
> Thanks for any help.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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