On Thu, Aug 29, 2019, at 10:27 PM, Varun Madiath wrote:
> Hi Mike.
> Thank you for taking the time to respond. Responses inline
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:35 AM Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> __
>> hi there, responses inline
>> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019, at 11:39 PM, Varun Madiath wrote:
>>> Hi.
>>> I'm working to extend the Turbodbc 
>>> <https://turbodbc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/> dialect of the 
>>> sqlalchemy_exasol <https://github.com/blue-yonder/sqlalchemy_exasol/> 
>>> project to support executing against a pandas dataframe.
>>> I'm aware that SqlAlchemy can use the executemany method of the DBAPI, and 
>>> I've seen that the MSSql dialect can even use PyODBC's fast_executemany 
>>> feature to speed up execution. However these all rely on the conversion of 
>>> the data into a list of dictionaries that is then passed to the execute 
>>> method of sqlalchmey.
>>> Turbodbc has the ability to execute against a PyArrow table directly 
>>> <https://turbodbc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pages/advanced_usage.html#using-apache-arrow-tables-as-query-parameters>.
>>>  I was hoping to get some advice on the best way to be able to expose this 
>>> optimisation to users. Here are two approaches I'm considering
>> what I dont understand about this API is what the contents of the SQL string 
>> need to be. Is this method parsing the SQL string "INSERT INTO my_table 
>> VALUES (?, ?)" ? that's not exactly how a SQLAlchemy INSERT statement looks, 
>> for example, we include the column names. 
> I'm sorry but I don't understand what you don't understand. The SQL string is 
> the same as any other DBAPI driver that using the qmark paramstyle.

Here are the two forms:

INSERT INTO my_table (id, data) VALUES (?, ?)

INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (?, ?)

the first has the column names we are inserting towads listed out explicitly, 
this is the form that a SQLAlchemy insert() construct for example will 

> I know that the sqlalchemy text type can convert from a named parameter style 
> to a qmark style based on the driver, is that what you're referring to when 
> you say "we include the column names"
>>>  1. Expose an execute_pandas method on a custom Connection object.
>> SQLAlchemy's Connection class is not a subclassing target. The internal 
>> Dialect on the other hand is, and that's where you can extend all kinds of 
>> various execution hooks. 
>> One reason is makes no sense to subclass Connection is that custom DBAPI 
>> features that require special execution styles are much more simply exposed 
>> using the DBAPI directly, based on the patterns documented at 
>> https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/connections.html#working-with-raw-dbapi-connections
>>  . Another is that Connection accepts an execution_options() dictionary 
>> which is where dialect-specific directives should be placed, where they can 
>> be interpreted by the Dialect.
> Glad to know that I should not be subclassing Connection. Given how hard I 
> had to look to find a way to get create_engine to return a Connection 
> subclass, I had a feeling that this might not be the right way to go about 
> this.
> As for using raw DBAPI connections, it's something I considered, but I was 
> hoping to have an API that still allowed for me to use the SQLAlchemy events, 
> and also to keep DB execution functions under one namespace.
> I used to have a function called `execute_with_dataframe` in my own 
> `sqlalchemy-helper` package, but that required that I compile any Statement 
> to a string, and then pass that string and the associated table to 
> `execute_with_dataframe` and I was hoping to create a less disconnected API.
>>>  1. Extend the execute function in a custom Connection class to check if 
>>> the parameter is a pandas DataFrame and if it is, use executemanycolumns 
>>> method of turbodbc, and otherwise defer to Connection.execute.
>> The most straightforward approach is to support an execution_option, so that 
>> you only need to change your dialect's do_executemany() method to look in 
>> context._execution_options for the key/value pairs that you've documented as 
>> being meaningful to your dialect.
>> conn.execution_options(exasol_pyarrow_table=my_table).execute("insert into 
>> table foo bar")
> I'm going to look into this, it appears very promising.
> Thank you for your help
> Varun Madiath

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