I'm using the "marshmallow" serialization library to dump out SQLAlchemy 
objects, and I'm trying to track down some slowness issues.  The objects 
have various relationships (using marshmallow's Nested fields in the mm 
schema), and some of those have their own relationships, etc.  As an 
example with round numbers, I might have 50 objects.  The SQLAlchemy query 
might take 0.01 seconds with lazy loading, and 0.1 seconds with some 
obvious relationships given eagerloading options on the query.  

The marshmallow dump might then take 5 seconds.  But if I immediately make 
the dump call again, it might take only 0.5 seconds - even with a new 
instance of the marshmallow schema, which would seem to indicate it isn't 
purely poor performance by marshmallow.  I've been assuming the issue is 
SQLAlchemy lazyloading triggers being fired off as marshmallow accesses the 
various relationships in the 50 objects while dumping them - on the second 
dump, all the triggers have been sprung, and there's no SQLAlchemy overhead 
as marshmallow accesses the objects.

I've tried adding some eagerloading options (joinedload or subqueryload) 
for some of the relationships, and this does seem to slightly improve 
things for the first dump, but nothing like the half second time the second 
one takes.  Is there any way to configure a query to tell it to eagerload 
all possible relationships instead of specifying them individually, just so 
I know I haven't missed any?
And is there any other one-time SQLAlchemy overhead other than lazyloading 
that might cause such difference between marshmallow's first and second use 
of the objects?  I'm currently using 1.18 (until recently we had to support 
Python 2.6), but I briefly tried swapping in the current 1.3.x and the 
times seemed similar.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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