I recently shifted some of a database schema around, and thanks to 
`association_proxy`, I've almost-eliminated the need to adjust my code 
(thanks, Mike!). 

I'm left with a situation on my caching layer that I can't seem to work 
out. I can't seem to to find out the following information (or other 
techniques that can help me figure out what I need)

1. what are the association_proxies on an object ?
2. have they been loaded ?

the use-case is this:

class Foo(base):
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

    bar = relationship(
    bar_id = association_proxy("bar", "id")

* I have a `Foo` instance, that may or may not have eagerloaded `Bar` into 
* I only want to access `bar_id` if `Bar` has been loaded.
* I don't necessarily know that I have a `Foo` object or a `Bar`/`bar_id` 
relation, as I am accessing this in a generic caching routing.  I can 
'hint' this information into the object if needed.

what I've tried/know:

* sqlalchemy.orm.class_mapper(Foo).mapped_table.c  does not have `bar_id`
* sqlalchemy.orm.class_mapper(Foo).relationships does not have `bar_id`; 
but it does have `bar`
* `fooInstance.__dict__` has a `bar` key when an eagerload happens

But i can't find a way to look at `fooInstance` and infer what the 
association_proxies are.

My initial thought is to declare this stuff explicitly, but if there is a 
way I could easily glean this information from the object, I think I may 
prefer to do that.

does anyone have an idea?

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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