if GTDataSetVersion -> GTDataSetImages is one to many, then GTDataSetImages 
needs to have a foreign key to the primary key of GTDataSetVersion. 
GTDataSetVersion.gtdatasetid is only part of its primary key and is not unique. 
you need a composite foriegn key to GTDataSetVersion(version, gtdataset_id). 
Composite foreign keys must use the ForeignKeyConstraint class are illustrated 
https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/constraints.html#defining-foreign-keys . 
For background on how to use these with declarative mappings see 

On Sat, Oct 5, 2019, at 7:09 AM, Nitin Jain wrote:
> Hi all,


> In my DB model (We can have multiple GTdatasets where each dataset can have 
> multiple versions where each version in-turn can have multiple images ) we 
> have multiple foreign keys (version and id ) in gtdataset images table 
> referencing to the version table.In version table , only version is not 
> unique but combination of datsetid and version is unique . How can we define 
> such relationships. I am really struggling to find the solution. If someone 
> has faced this kind of problem , it will be helpful.


> `class GTDataSet(db.Model):`
> `__tablename__ = 'gtdataset'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
gtdatasetid = db.Column(db.String(50), primary_key=True,unique=True)
gtdataset_category = db.Column(db.String(50))
gtdataset_name = db.Column(db.Text)
gtdatasetversion = db.relationship('GTDataSetVersion', 

> `class GTDataSetVersion(db.Model):`
> `__tablename__ = 'gtdataset_version'

version = db.Column(db.String(5), primary_key=True)
gtdatasetid = db.Column(db.String(50), 
register_user = db.Column(db.String(50))
register_date = db.Column(db.DateTime)
last_update_user = db.Column(db.String(50))
last_update_date = db.Column(db.DateTime)
images = db.relationship('GTDataSetImages', 
backref='gtdataset_version',lazy='joined', \
        primaryjoin = "GTDataSetVersion.version==GTDataSetImages.version")`

> `class GTDataSetImages(SoftDeletionModel):`
> `__tablename__ = 'gtdataset_images'

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
image_id = db.Column(db.String(50), db.ForeignKey('images.image_id'), 
register_user = db.Column(db.String(50))
register_date = db.Column(db.DateTime)
image = db.relationship('Images', backref='gtdataset_images', lazy='joined')
version = db.Column(db.String(5), db.ForeignKey('gtdataset_version.version'), 
gtdatasetversion = db.relationship('GTDataSetVersion', foreign_keys=[version], 
backref='version_gtdataset_images', lazy='joined')
gtid = db.Column(db.String(50), db.ForeignKey('gtdataset_version.gtdatasetid'), 
gtdataid = db.relationship('GTDataSetVersion', foreign_keys=[gtid], 
backref='id_gtdataset_images', lazy='joined')`

> Error :-


> sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg2.errors.InvalidForeignKey) there is 
> no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table 
> "gtdataset_version"

> [SQL: CREATE TABLE gtdataset_images ( deleted_at TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE, id 
> SERIAL NOT NULL, image_id VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, register_user VARCHAR(50), 
> register_date TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE, version VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, gtid 
> VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id, image_id, version, gtid), FOREIGN 
> KEY(image_id) REFERENCES images (image_id), FOREIGN KEY(version) REFERENCES 
> gtdataset_version (version), FOREIGN KEY(gtid) REFERENCES gtdataset_version 
> (gtdatasetid) )

> ] (Background on this error at: http://sqlalche.me/e/f405)


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