I'm not sure if something broke during an upgrade, or if I just had bad 
tests and this was always an issue (I am assuming the latter!)

I need to duplicate a relationship on a sqlalchemy ORM declarative object.

I was hoping i could just do this (or at one point i could!)

class Foo(DeclaredTable):
    bar_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("bar.id"), nullable=True)
    bar = relationship("Bar", primaryjoin="Foo.bar_id ==Bar.id", uselist=
    bar_alt = bar

While I can address `fooInstance.bar_alt` with ease,  I trigger an 
AttributeError.  The second item seems to become the 'active' attribute and 
the first item is unaccessible.

AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' 
object associated with Foo.bar has an attribute '_supports_population'

There seems to be a workaround where I do this:

class Foo(DeclaredTable):
    bar_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("bar.id"), nullable=True)
    bar = relationship("Bar", primaryjoin="Foo.bar_id ==Bar.id", uselist=

Foo.bar_alt = Foo.bar

However, if there is a better way I would appreciate knowing it.  I would 
prefer to not monkeypatch the class like this for readability.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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