On Wed, Nov 27, 2019, at 2:45 PM, Felipe Araya Olea wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having problems reflecting my tables from the MS SQL Server database 
> that have the schema "dbo". I have tried using the following code.

"dbo" is the default schema and usually does not need to be part of the 
arguments that you provide to Metadata or reflect. 

To debug a reflection operation, set echo='debug' on create_engine(), then look 
at the queries being emitted as well as the results that come back . For a 
quicker test, just do a get_table_names:

from sqlalchemy import inspect
engine = create_engine("...", echo='debug')

insp = inspect(engine)

the INFO/DEBUG output will show the queries being emitted and the results 
returned. You want to make sure the get table names looks something like mine, 
where I log in as "scott":

2019-11-27 14:59:02,092 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine ('scott', 'BASE 
2019-11-27 14:59:02,104 DEBUG sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine Col ('TABLE_NAME',)
2019-11-27 14:59:02,105 DEBUG sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine Row ('foo',)

the engine gets the name "scott" or "dbo" by invoking the command "schema_name".

if you show me the output of the command "SELECT schema_name" using the exact 
ODBC connection you are using and also what schema your tables are under inside 
of information_schema.tables we can determine what the correct schema name 
argument should be.

> engine = db.create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params) # 
> Engine works, because I have tested it using CORE
> meta = MetaData(schema="dbo") # I have tried binding it to engine as well
> meta.reflect(bind=engine, schema="dbo") # I have tried without this line as 
> well
> Base = automap_base(metadata=meta)
> Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
> ### That seemed to work fine, I get no errors, however, if I try to retrieve 
> the name of the tables I can't see them:
> Base.classes.keys()
> >>> []
> I have seen that the problem could be that the table doesn't have a primary 
> key, however that is not the problem, because I have multiple tables under 
> the schema "dbo" and they have primary keys.
> If anyone knows a solution please let me know, I will be eternally grateful.

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