Also, there are some restrictions in my setup such that I am not able to 
use eager load like session.query(Engineer).options(joinedload(...)).get(). 
I retrieve the engineer object using another relationship.

On Thursday, November 28, 2019 at 5:45:46 PM UTC+8, Carson Ip wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I have having issues letting a subclass load a parent's relationship that 
> configured lazy="joined".
> Let's say Engineer is a subclass of Person, and Person stores "company_id" 
> and has a relationship called "company" that is lazy="joined".
> Although I don't have a minimal reproducible example now, but in my setup, 
> let's say:
> engineer = session.query(Engineer).get(1)  # emits 1 query
>  # emits another query
> I suspect that the subclass does not respect parent class' relationship 
> lazy/eager loading options.
> Also I bump into this issue when identity map remembers the id's 
> polymorphic type. Then when I query on the base class, it emits the the 
> subclass query and does not load the parent class' relationship with eager 
> load options, which is the problem I mentioned.
> engineer = session.query(Engineer).get(1)
> session.commit()
> person = session.query(Person).get(1)  # emits 1 query
>  # emits another query
> Is this by design? If so, is there any way to make it respect parent 
> class' relationship "lazy" option?
> I am not 100% certain this is reproducible in a simple example. There may 
> be problems in my setup that would cause this. Please let me know if this 
> is the case.
> Thanks in advance.

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