I'm trying to define a GenericFunction that calls a PostGIS 3.0 function (
ST_AsGeoJson <https://postgis.net/docs/ST_AsGeoJSON.html>). The latest 
version can be called in two different ways:

SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(t.geom) FROM foo as t WHERE t.id = 1;
SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(t.*) FROM foo as t WHERE t.id = 1;

where the first example returns a GeoJSON Geometry, and the second returns 
a GeoJSON Feature. I'm only interested in making use of the second type / 
am happy to define the two variants separately.

I should be able to subclass GenericFunction in order to do this, but I'm 
missing two details:

1. What should the return type of my subclass be?
2. How can I specify that I want to pass the record / row / all columns, as 
opposed to just the geom column to the underlying function? Ordinarily, 
attempting something like 


Will give me an error:

Object <class 'models.Foo'> is not legal as a SQL literal value

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