There are some sections in the docs that may help you understand things a 
bit more.

1. Connections- Disposal
2. Connections- Threadlocal
3. Connections FAQ -
4. Sessions FAQ -

Generally you only need to call `dispose` when you're dealing with multiple 
processes or forks - as it's designed to help get around situations where 
you have database connections that are not safe to cross boundaries.

Personally, I prefer to wrap the database intialization in a function.  
using your example... something more like this:

* *    DB_ENGINE = None
    DB_SESSION = None

    def initialize_db():
       global DB_ENGINE, DB_SESSION
       DB_ENGINE = create_engine(DB_CONNECTION_STRING, pool_size=5,
       DB_SESSION = sessionmaker(bind=DB_ENGINE, autocommit=False, autoflush
=True, expire_on_commit=False)

This way you can import the file without establishing a db connection at 
that moment, and can then control exactly when the connection is made.

My usage patterns are a bit different than yours, so I'm usually stashing 
everything in a dict that handles the application context... and not using 
globals.  this seemed easier to explain though.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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