I have a custom type implementing enums (no idea if there's something 
better now, but it's used in many places so
replacing it is not an option atm). Currently I'm using render_item to 
simply import the type and the enum and pass the
enum to the type and it works fine.

However, in the alembic revision I'd prefer to define a copy of the enum 
how it looked like at generation time since it may
change and in that case running an older revision's upgrade would be broken 
as it would generate the column based on
a different enum.

In any case, I would like to have the enum definition inside my revision 
file, either top-level or inside `upgrade`. But for neither
of these options I found any way to do it properly as there doesn't seem to 
be any way to provide code to be included in
`upgrade` or variables for the mako template context used to render the 
revision file.

I managed to do it using this **incredibly ugly** workaround, but I really 
hope there's some better way... so if there is one, please
let me know. Because not adding this abomination in my codebase would be 

Thanks for any help/suggestions!

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