Mike, et al.,

I've got some questions about closing connections.  I suspect my framework 
may be at fault, but there is potentially a sqlalchemy issue here as well.

See attached script with nested transaction and explicit connection.close().

Things are even more complex because versions have handled this differently 
in the past:

   - on rel_0_9_1 and ealier, the conn.close() *always *actually emitted a 
   DBAPI ROLLBACK, but on rel_0_9_2+, the previous call to .begin_nested() now 
   prevents the DBAPI ROLLBACK call, even though the close() is on the 
   connection itself.  I'm not sure if that was an intended change, but it 
   seems .close() on a connection should always cause ROLLBACK, no?
   - rel_1_3_9 and earlier this code 
   raises sqlalchemy.exc.ResourceClosedError on the last DBSession.close() as 
   it invokes the registered 'rollback' event with an already-closed 
   connection, but on current master (1.4.0b1) there is no exception since a 
   rollback isn't attempted, leaving the db connection in idle transaction.

On all versions since rel_0_9_1, even after both of the script's finally 
clauses (close() statements) but before the program terminates, *the 
transaction is still left in transaction in the database, though the 
connection's been checked back into the pool.*

As far as whether my code here is badly formed, my question is: is it wrong 
to mix session closing and connection closing or should that be fine?

(My actual application is obviously more complex, with zope.sqlalchemy & 
transaction and frameworks; I boiled it down to this script for demo 
purposes and removed those libraries, making this code look weirder.)

Thanks in advance!

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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import __version__

print "\n## sqlalchemy %s\n" % __version__

def do_some_info_reset(connection):
    print("## ## do_some_info_reset on %x ## ##" % id(connection))
    # access connection:

pg_url = 'postgresql://salespylot:salespylot@localhost:5444/salespylottest'

engine = create_engine(pg_url, echo=True)
event.listen(engine, 'rollback', do_some_info_reset)

conn = engine.connect()

maker = sessionmaker(autoflush=True, autocommit=False)
DBSession = scoped_session(maker)

metadata = MetaData(engine)
# map a system postgres table for demo purposes:
table=Table("pg_language", metadata, 
    Column("lanname", Unicode(255), primary_key=True))

class Something(object):

mapper(Something, table)    

# mimic application layers with some try blocks:
        # should direct conn.close() do rollback as 0.9.1 an earlier?

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