There are two related concerns on this concept:

* protecting your credentials in source code
* protecting your credentials on the server

For the first concern, I like to use encryption management tools like 
Blackbox (

With an encryption management system, you "enroll" certain files to be 
managed by the system.  Instead of saving the plaintext files to version 
control, the encrypted files are saved.  Approved users (via GPG keys in 
blackbox) are able to decrypt or edit (decrypt+edit+encrypt) the files.  
**When a project is deployed to a server, the files are decrypted and the 
plaintext version is left on the server**

For the second concern, I've never seen a foolproof way to safeguard the 
plaintext "secrets".  You can force stuff into environment variables, but 
hackers can still get to those.  You can trash files after starting an 
application... but then you can't restart the application unless you have 
an external service that logs into the machine and 

I would focus on safeguarding your secrets from versioncontrol, and 
constructing them in ways that are prepared for leaks (for example, 
rotating credentials periodically, using ip whitelisting to limit where 
they can be used, using ACLs on the various services to limit what each 
credential can do)

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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper

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