I am using
* SQLAlchemy: 1.3.3
* psycopg2-binary: 2.8.3
* postgresql: 9.6

While running a SQLAlchemy CORE script that makes lots of updates
(about 300k), some inserts (about 50k) and commits data only at the end,
the script consumes about 8GB+ RAM (well... we have to stop it to avoid the
machine crashing).

I managed to replicate the problem with the simpler script at the end of
this email.

I'm just asking if SQLAlchemy somehow takes "note" of uncommitted data, or
if in your opinion this smells like a psycopg2 leak/"feature" problem.

Regarding the script below, run it in a console and run top/htop in another
console, you'll see the script uses more and more ram as time passes by.
In PostgreSQL's logs I see the initial insert and all the following
updates, so the data is correctly received by the database, giving no
reason to the SA/Psycopg2 to keep track of uncommitted data, and thus
consume RAM.


*# encoding: utf-8from __future__ import print_functionfrom importlib
import import_modulefrom random import randintfrom sys import getsizeoffrom
sqlalchemy.engine import create_enginefrom sqlalchemy.schema import
CreateTable, DropTablefrom sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func, insert,
updatefrom sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column, Tablefrom sqlalchemy.types
import Boolean, Date, Integer, Stringdef main():*
*    engine = create_engine(*

*        "postgres://user:password@
<http://user:password@>")    metadata =
MetaData(bind=engine)    table_object = Table(        "prova_commit",
  metadata,        Column("id", String(50), primary_key=True),
Column("data", Date, nullable=False,,
Column("opzionale", Boolean, nullable=False, default=False),
*tuple(Column("h{}".format(i), Integer) for i in xrange(24)))
engine.execute(CreateTable(table_object))    pk = create_pk()    try:
  with engine.begin() as transaction:            transaction.execute(
          insert(table_object)                .values(
id=pk,                    opzionale=True,
**{"h{}".format(i): i for i in xrange(24)}))            for i in
xrange(int(1e5)):                transaction.execute(
update(table_object)                    .where(
<> == pk)                    .values({
                "h{}".format(i): randint(0, 23)                        for
i in xrange(24)}))                if 0 == i % 500:
*                        "{} => {} :: {}", *
*                        i, *
*                        getsizeof(transaction),*

*                        getsizeof(transaction.connection))    finally:
    engine.execute(DropTable(table_object))if __name__ == "__main__":

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