The situation is that I have two preloaded tables.  The first is a Machine 
to which one or more Options can be added.  The second table has Options 
can be connected to two or more  machines.  I've got the code to connect a 
machine with an option but I can't devise the code to reverse the process, 
remove an option from the machine (or vs-versa) .  I seems that SqlAlchemy 
does not map an association table.  It does not recognize the machine_FK or 
options_FK columns in a filter clause.  I don't want to remove machine or 
option data from the DB.  I can remove the connection row from 
'machine_options table  by using Python/SQLite code directly.  There must 
be a way of doing the same action with SQLAlchemy.

It is true that if I remove a machine or an option from the database I will 
have to cascade an automatic removal from the 'machine_options' table.  I 
will correct that aspect.  This is just pulling the plug between two rows 
in two different tables without changing the row data.  Don't know if I am 

On Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 10:54:39 AM UTC-4, William Phillips wrote:
> I am working on an app using python3 and SqlAlchemy for SQLite3 database 
> management. I have some tables that have a Many to Many relationship. I've 
> created an association table to handle this relationship.
> Class Machine(Base):
>     __tablename__ 'machine'
>     machine_ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     etc...
> Class Options(Base):
>     __tableName__ 'options'
>     options_ID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     etc...
> The association table
> Machine_Options = table('machine_options', Base.metadata,
>     Column('machine_FK', Integer, ForeignKey('machine.machine_ID'),
>                                  primary_key=True),
>     Column('options_FK',Integer, ForeignKey('options.options_ID'),
>                                  primary_key=True))
> All the items for the Machine and Options are inserted independently. When 
> I want to associate a machine with an option I use an append query which 
> works very well.
> My problem is when I want to break this association between a machine and 
> an option. I have tried a direct row deletion from the association table 
> using a FILTER() clause on the machine_FK and the options_FK but SqlAlchemy 
> gives me an error informing me that 'Machine_Options' table has no field 
> 'machine_FK'. It seems that SqlAlchemy does not map association tables.  I 
> have tried to remove the row from 'Machine_Options' indirectly using joins 
> with the machine and options table but received another error that I can 
> not delete or update using joins.
> I am looking for the code to only delete a row from the association table 
> without affecting the original machine or options table.
> So far my internet search has been fruitless.

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