I need to query over a  table mapped to class T, 
I usually use session.query (T), however I am using two cte's              
part0 =  ... cte('part0')
part1 = ... cte('part1')                                                    
                                                                    part2 = 
... cte('aprt2')                                                            
                                                                allparts = 
union (part1.select(), part2.select())                                      
session.query (allparts)  .. returns row record but I need it to return 
objects of type T?     

I have tried using   q1 = session.query(T).from_statement (allnodes) 
which appears to convert and create objects of T, However, 
I cannot filter or order_by

I have tried using the sql epxression level:
n = allparts.alias()
 DBSession.query (T).from_statement (select ([n]).where (...).order_by 

but I get NoSuchColumnError: "Could not locate column in row for column 

Is there a way to let SA know how map the columns of the select expression 
to an object?


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