Thank you for taking the time to look at this. I have shied away from using 
events in the past, but now that you mention it I can see how that could 
work for this case.

I had to add slightly to my previous solution. In some cases, the 
relationship is nullable and this solution was silently giving a NULL when 
I expected a Foreign Key constraint failure. 

    def parent_key(self, val):
        non_existent_id = -999
        self.parent_id = coalesce(
select([Parent.id_]).select_from(Parent.__table__).where(Parent.key == 

(the .as_scalar() is needed to make coalesce() happy)

On Thursday, 19 November 2020 at 14:36:12 UTC-5 Mike Bayer wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 19, 2020, at 2:03 PM, Steven James wrote:
> In general I have set up foreign keys using the following pattern:
>     p = session.query(Parent).filter(Parent.natural_key == key).one()
>     new_child = Child(parent=p)
> This makes a SELECT and an INSERT and is fine, but it gets a little 
> cumbersome when I want to create a new child object with many relationships 
> where I am not given the primary key. It basically boils down to requiring 
> custom constructor functions for each kind of object.
> What I would like is the following pattern:
>     new_child = Child(parent_key=key)
> where parent_key can be a kind of hybrid_property() on the Child and it 
> would generate an `INSERT INTO child_table (parent_id) VALUES ((SELECT id 
> FROM parent_table WHERE key=?))`  I've gotten it working that way actually, 
> but I wanted to check to make sure that this pattern does not already exist 
> in some easier construct.
> I think that's a fine pattern to use, it all comes down to when you want 
> to be able to access the object.    since you are setting up Child() with a 
> key before the Child has any connection to any session or transaction, that 
> rules out being able to know the "parent_id" right at that moment.    You 
> could, if you wanted, use events to do that lookup at different times, such 
> as using the after_attach() event to look up the "parent" where you could 
> load the full Parent object and associate it, that way child.parent would 
> be ready before you ever invoked the INSERT.  Or you could use events like 
> before_insert(), before_update() to set up that parent_id too.  but setting 
> it to the SELECT expression is more succinct and pretty clever too.
> there's basically  a lot of event hooks (too many at this point) that can 
> be used for this, but you've found probably the one way to do it without 
> using a hook, so should be good.
> Working example:
> from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey, create_engine, 
> select
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
> from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, relationship
> Base = declarative_base()
> class Parent(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'parent'
>     id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     key = Column(String(4))
>     data = Column(String(64))
>     def __repr__(self) -> str:
>         return 'Parent(id={id_!r}, key={key!r})'.format(**self.__dict__)
> class Child(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'child'
>     id_ = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     parent_id = Column(ForeignKey('parent.id_'))
>     data = Column(String(64))
>     parent = relationship(Parent, backref='children', lazy='joined')
>     @hybrid_property
>     def parent_key(self):
>         return self.parent.key
>     @parent_key.expression
>     def parent_key(self):
>         return Parent.key
>     @parent_key.setter
>     def parent_key(self, val):
>         self.parent_id = 
> select([Parent.id_]).select_from(Parent.__table__).where(Parent.key == val)
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>     e = create_engine('sqlite:///', echo=True)
>     Base.metadata.create_all(e)
>     s = Session(bind=e)
>     p1 = Parent(key='p1', data='parent1')
>     p2 = Parent(key='p2', data='parent2')
>     s.add_all([p1, p2])
>     s.commit()
>     # initialize child/parent using the "natural key"
>     ##  INSERT INTO child (parent_id, data) VALUES ((SELECT parent.id_ 
> FROM parent WHERE parent."key" = ?), ?)
>     c = Child(data='i am the child', parent_key='p1')
>     s.add(c)
>     s.commit()
>     print(c.parent)
>     # update relationship using the "natural key"
>     ## UPDATE child SET parent_id=(SELECT parent.id_ FROM parent WHERE 
> parent."key" = ?) WHERE child.id_ = ?
>     c.parent_key = 'p2'
>     s.commit()
>     print(c.parent)
> -- 
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