Hi I am new to SQLAlchemy,

I am trying to extract from reflected tables:

   1. the column name of the current table
   2. the referred table name and
   3. the column name of the referred table

now I can manage to do this using (and for sake only using first forein key)

*    metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData()    metadata.reflect(engine)    for 
table in metadata.tables.values():        print(table.name)* --- Current 
table name

*        l = list(table.foreign_keys)        if len(l) > 0:            
print(l[0].column)* --- Referred table column name (but is prepended with 
table name and a .)

*        for fk in table.foreign_key_constraints:            
print(fk.column_keys[0])* --- current table column name but
*            print(fk.referred_table)* --- Referred table name

There must surely be a cleaner way to do this preferably:

   - not needing to convert table.foreign_keys to a list and then check 
   list length
   - getting referred table column name without the foreign table prepended 
   as would rather not have to add in regex replacements
   - get the current table column name without having to index with column 

Thanks you

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