I work on ApiLogicServer <https://github.com/valhuber/ApiLogicServer#readme>, 
which creates a *models.py* file (then used to create an API and web app).

My objective is to enable users to

   1. *Customize* *models.py* (e.g, add hybrid attributes, missing 
   relationships, etc), and 
   2. *Preserve* these customizations when  the *models.py* file is later 
   recreated (e.g., the database schema was changed).

I am seeking advice.  I have looked the the following alternatives, but 
they all present issues:

   1. I'd prefer not rely on a *code merge: *let the user alter the 
   *file, then merge customizations when *Customer.py* is recreated. 
    Certainly a possibility, but it seems cleaner to keep customization files 
   separate from generated files.  
   2. I have looked into subclassing - e.g., generate *Customer_base*, let 
   user extend in *Customer(Customer_base)* so all their customizations are 
   in a separate file.  But, I encountered issues since the relationships are 
   bound to the super classes.  For example, anOrder.Customer returns an 
   instance of *Customer_base* instead of *Customer*
   3. I investigated the API *sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid.hybrid_property* to 
   create hybrid attributes.  I am familiar with hybrids via annotations, but 
   again, I want this to be in a separate file from customer.py.  I am unable 
   to find what to do with the hybrid_property descriptor (assign it to the 
   class?), which raises doubts about this approach.

A clear approach is not emerging, would appreciate some guidance.

Thanks in advance,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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