
Our postgreSQL database is suffering from too many IDLE connections and I'm 
wondering if this has to do with isolation level which we usually set to 

When I use the default connection settings then checked-in connections do 
not appear as IDLE in postgres:

engine = create_engine("postgresql://*@localhost:5432/postgres")
conn1 = engine.connect()
conn2 = engine.connect()
print(conn1.execute("select state from pg_stat_activity where 

*Pool size: 5  Connections in pool: 1 Current Overflow: -3 Current Checked 
out connections: 1*

However if I set the Isolation level to AUTOCOMMIT then the checked-in 
connection appears as IDLE in postgres:

engine = create_engine("postgresql://*@localhost:5432/postgres")
conn1 = engine.connect()
conn2 = engine.connect()
print(conn1.execute("select state from pg_stat_activity where 

*Pool size: 5  Connections in pool: 1 Current Overflow: -3 Current Checked 
out connections: 1*

I was wondering if:

   1. There was a reason for this difference in behaviour? Should a 
   checked-in connection show up as 'IDLE'?
   2. It is recommended to disable the pool when using autocommit? 

Thanks !

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