
I see in the documentation 
<https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/session_basics.html> that we can 
bind a connection to a SQLAlchemy session object:

# at the module level, the global sessionmaker, # bound to a specific Engine
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) 
# later, some unit of code wants to create a # Session that is bound to a 
specific Connection conn = engine.connect() 
session = Session(bind=conn)

How do we release the connection to an external connection pool safely? For 
instance, if we are using a cx_Oracle SessionPool 
to acquire and release connections? 
session.close() is not doing that seamlessly in this case.

if we do, session = Session(bind=engine) - it usually releases connection 
to the pool seamlessly on session.close().


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