I have scoured the documentation looking for the preferred way of handling 
ambiguous joins, and it seems to be through use of aliased tables, but I 
still wonder if there's a better way. Intuitively, it seems like 
relationships hold enough information to make aliased tables unnecessary. 
But the API doesn't behave in that way (AFAIK), and I'm curious why.

Suppose I have the following the model:

Base = declarative_base()

class Parent(Base):
    __tablename__ = "parent"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Child(Base):
    __tablename__ = "child"
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    mother_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("parent.id"))
    father_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("parent.id"))

    mother = relationship("Parent", foreign_keys=[mother_id])
    father = relationship("Parent", foreign_keys=[father_id])

The Child table can join to the Parent table through 2 possible 
relationships: mother and father. When querying for Child entities, in 
order to reference columns through either of these relationships, it would 
appear that aliased() is required.

Something like this:

mother_alias = aliased(Parent)
father_alias = aliased(Parent)
statement = select(Child).join(mother_alias, 
Child.mother).join(father_alias, Child.father).where(mother_alias.id == 
"Martha", father_alias.id == "Bob")

What I find strange about this is that the alias and relationship it's 
associated with are not inherently coupled together. I associate them with 
one another when I pass them together into the join method(), but this 
association is only implicit and not enforced. It's up to me to keep track 
of which alias belongs with which relationship.

Given that I can join to a table using a relationship property, why is it 
not possible to also select columns and filter by columns using 
relationship properties? It seems like this would eliminate the need for 
aliased() in the above example entirely. This feels much more intuitive to 

statement = 
== "Martha", Child.father.id == "Bob")

In other words, the relationship can act as a proxy to its target table, 
and you can access all columns on that table through the relationship. The 
concept of an "aliased table" would be internal to the relationship, and 
the developer would not have to manage these aliases themselves.

Is this possible? Is there an obvious reason I'm missing for why the API 
cannot function in this way?

Thanks for any help or insight you can provide!

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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