
Like the title says, I'm seeing some weird logging issues in production.  
Using alembic and flask-migrate latest.  Works great locally (no issues) 
and worked great on the server prior to a platform change.

I think I'm dealing with either a log level issue or I'm just logging into 
a black hole.  I see stdout in the logs from prints and echos.  I can see 
when exceptions are raised.  I can see prints inside the migration.  When I 
run "from flask_migrate import current; current()" I see the revision ID as 
output.  I just don't see the log output from an upgrade.  E.g. "A -> B".  
Even though I know the migrations are running.

I've been looking at the alembic.ini.  I see logger_alembic has a blank 
handler.  Is there a way to get it to point to stdout? Something like 
handlers = stdout.  I'm not sure where its output is going currently.

I recently upgraded to the newest elastic beanstalk version.  With it came 
some hook changes.  I mention them here just in case others have had this 
issue.  Basically an ebextension became a postdeploy platform hook.

This is what my bash script looks like.

    "sudo docker exec $(sudo docker ps -q) flask managedb"

This is what the managedb flask command looks like.

    "from flask_migrate import upgrade; upgrade()"

Hopefully this isn't too out of scope for this group.  Any help is greatly 

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