>From time to time, I need to update data in tables and multiprocessing can
speed up this process. Last example: I’m trying to update data 7M rows in 

SQLAlchemy 1.4.31, psycopg2 2.8.6, PostgreSQL

def job_update_rd(data_list):    
    updated = []
    with Session() as session:
        for t, ts in data_list:
            rd = session.query(RawDataTable).filter(and_(
                RawDataTable.timestamp == t, 
                RawDataTable.ts == ts)).one()

            rd.ts = updated_ts[ts]


    return updated
with Pool(10) as p:
    upd_list = p.map(job_update_rd, chunks)

Code is very simple, but it does not work. I get these errors randomly:

   - psycopg2.OperationalError: SSL error: sslv3 alert bad record mac 
   - sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (psycopg2.OperationalError) SSL 
   SYSCALL error: EOF detected 

But this example works fine:

def other_job(data_list):
    with Session() as s:
         return [s.query(RawDataTable).filter(and_(
           RawDataTable.timestamp == t, 
           RawDataTable.ts == ts)).all() for t, ts in data_list]
with Pool(10) as p:
    res = p.map(other_job, chunks)

Please, help to solve this problem.
Some people is our team also uses multiprocessing, and 1 time a week get 
these errors.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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