
I’m curious to get recommendations about the following use-case (based on this 
SO Answer 

*>>> import sqlalchemy*
*>>> configuration = {'sqlalchemy.url': 

*>>> engine = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(configuration, future=True)*

*>>> engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema)Traceback (most recent call 
last):  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>  File 
line 3360, in has_schema    cursor = connection.execute(  File 
"/.../lib/python3.10/site-packages/sqlalchemy/future/engine.py", line 320, 
in _not_implemented    raise NotImplementedError(NotImplementedError: This 
method is not implemented for SQLAlchemy 2.0.*

This works if I turn off the future 

*>>> engine = sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(configuration)>>> 
engine.dialect.has_schema(engine, schema)False*

Is there a fix coming? Is there an alternative suggestion? Interestingly, I 
wasn’t able to find *has_schema()* in SQLA v1.4 
v0.7 says it was added 
<https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/14/search.html?q=has_schema>) but only for SQLA 

For now I can use an “old” engine to check for schema, and the switch to a 
new one, but what’s the current recommendation?

Much thanks!

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