Good afternoon community

I have the following tables:

   - Survey
   - Answer
   - Question
   - SurveyAnswer (Association table)

My association table has 3 foreign keys that relates to Answer, Question 
and Survey.
A Survey has many Questions, many Answers.

When I insert a survey object into the db, SqlAlchemy creates two seperate 
entries for both questions and answers relating to the Survey instead of 
adding them in the same data set.

I would appreciate any guidance regarding this issue. Thank you in advance. 
Here is a screenshot of my db models:
[image: many to many.png]
Here is an example of what happens after inserting a Survey objet to the db:
[image: SurveyAnswerInsertion.png]
As you can see it seems to me that it inserts the first dataset for answers 
then afterwards inserts the questions' dataset. I would like to have these 
integrated into the same rows. 
I am not sure if I am doing something wrong. 

Once again thank you for your help

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