
I have this schema:

class Question(Base):
    __tablename__ = "question"
    idn = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    text = Column("text", String)

    translations = relationship("Translation", backref="question")

class Translation(Base):
    __tablename__ = "translation"
    idn = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    qid = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("question.idn"))
    lang = Column(String)
    text = Column(String)

I want to automatically join Question with a *single* Translation (lang
filter) when the real query happens. Language will be supplied runtime. I
tried to think of this as a *property*, but that doesn't seem to work.

Currently, I am using a  simple function to achieve this:

def translate(query, lang):
    cols = list(query.selectable.selected_columns)
    index = next(
            for i, c in enumerate(cols)
            if c.name == "text" and c.table.name == "question"
    text = case(
        [(Translation.text.is_not(None), Translation.text)],
    cols[index] = text.label("text")
    query._set_entities(cols)  # noqa:W0212
    query = query.outerjoin(
        and_(Question.idn == Translation.qid, Translation.lang == lang),
    return query

Usage: query = translate(query, "it")

1. Is there a good place to hook this so that it's baked into the Question
table? The tricky part is when and where to pass "it". I guess that can be
only done during session.query. If so, how to do that? (I know about
bind-params, so I am thinking that will be an option here.)

2. Is there a better approach to solve this problem? I tried looking up
examples, but didn't find one that fits my purpose (should be simple,
should be at a single place etc.).

SQLAlchemy 1.3 or 1.4

Thank you for help in advance,

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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